Equal Employment Opportunity Commission July 2002 casesDavid F. O' Connell, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.John V. Kelly, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Robert Zell, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Irving T. White, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Veldon L. Tomlinson, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Monique McClain, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Diane Wulff, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Kevin E. Patterson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Bernice Milane-Baca, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services Agency.Bhanumati D. Shah, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Evangelina Ulanoff, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Erick S. Babilonia, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Mike Hegazy, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Paulette G. Chapple, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Frank V. Baiamonte, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Thomas B. Mozee, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Anthony R. Alonzo, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Amy Grow, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice (United States Marshal Service), Agency.Harold Johnson, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Finance & Accounting Service), Agency.Oscar J. Carpenter, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Sandra Burton, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation Agency.Avery P. Boyd, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Sterling H. Mitchell, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Joseph C. Payne, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.John H. Knox, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of Treasury, Agency.Kenneth Stohlman, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Charles Murray, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Brenda W. Galloway, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Ilene Byington, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Agency.Thelma Smith, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Delores Lambert, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Linda A. Higbee, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area) Agency.Bert Berfond, Complainant, v. Stephen A. Perry, Administrator, General Services Administration, Agency.LaShawn M. Knowles, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation (Federal Aviation Administration), Agency.Gary Sacknowitz, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Janice F. Samms, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of Army Agency.Regina J. O'Neal, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Mary L. Phillips, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Finance & Accounting Service), Agency.Stephen V. Powers v. United States Postal Service 05A20617 07-26-02 .Stephen V. Powers, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Shenita Waddell, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Minerva Ortiz, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Nevaire S. Rich, Complainant, v. Spencer Abraham, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Jose Castillo, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Janet Anderson, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Gary L. Ulecki, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Lynda Briscoe, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Gaye Nell S. Zeb, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Jill Chenevert, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Vanessa M. Welch, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Annie Finch, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Michael E. Gohrig, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Leon A. Puissegur, Jr., Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Marie L. Carver, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Roger L. Farley, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Michael Brady, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Mark E. Schaeffer, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.William W. Souto, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.William L. McGovern, Terence L. Wagner, and Eric J. Villavaso, Complainants, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture (Agricultural Research Service), Agency.Aljoe Poindexter, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Harry Velez, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Anthony J. Audia, Complainant, v. Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, Agency.Alfredo J. Millergelate, Jr., Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service , Agency.Phuc N. Nguyen, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of Navy, Agency.Meredith A. Hulsey, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Lucila Howerton, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of Treasury, Agency.Lois K. Garrity, Complainant, v. Michael F. DiMario, Public Printer, Government Printing Office, Agency.Felipe Cruz, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Contract Audit Agency), Agency.Cheryl Wade, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Richard Smith, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Dorothy J. Swift, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Elmira P. Prince, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Commissary Agency), Agency.Gloria H. Ruff, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Kathleen M. Azzarone, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Cheryl B. Thomas, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Shelia Y. Bell, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Gwendolyn P. Johnson, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Herman Hoi Ming Mui, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Darius K. Harbin, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Carlos O. Rodriguez, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Valerie S. Hinton, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Emilia P. Moore, Complainant, v. Defense Commissary Agency Agency.Mark Dickason, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service , Agency.Rodney Chavez, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Richard R. Price, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Susan G. Woodfin, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Michael J. Fine, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Logistics Agency), Agency.Audrey E. Wiggins, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Virginia C. Walker, Petitioner, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Dolores Thomas, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Adam Currin, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Frances M. Sermeno, Petitioner, v. Thomas E. White Secretary, Department of the Army Petition No. 04A10059 Request No. 05990051 Appeal No. 01965448 Agency No. BPDWFO93060190 Hearing No. 110-95-8383XGilbert Arriola Complainant, v. Spencer Abraham, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Evangeline Martinez, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Luis Perez, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Janet Anderson, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Larry D Davis, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Rhonda Y. Paris, Complainant, v. Glenn L. McCullough, Jr., Chairman, Tennessee Valley Authority, Agency.Billie J. Robinson, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of Navy, Agency.Annie L. Ivey, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Capital-Metro Area), Agency.Eileen Satkoff, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Nora L. Derkowski, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Amalie Munson, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Rita A. Doakes, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Lydia B. Walker, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southeast Area), Agency.Michael A. Hurt, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.John W. Johnson, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Army & Air Force Exchange Service), Agency.Chris Ragsdale, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Barbara A. Morris v. United States Postal Service 01A04381 07-05-02 .Barbara A. Morris, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Marija Hughes, Complainant, v. Elaine Chao, Secretary, Department of Labor, Agency.Curtis R. Deal, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Fred Penrod, Complainant, v. Spencer Abraham, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Mario Quinones-Torres, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Marilyn S. Henretty, Complainant, v. Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.Holly L. Gage, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Lawrence A. Fibich, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Ruth A. Wilson, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Duke Sharp, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.Kay Troupe, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Natalie Danforth, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Kathryn M. Cerilli, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Carleen S. Zeitoun v. United States Postal Service 01A02887 07-19-02 .Carleen S. Zeitoun, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Kenneth R. Hearl, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Marion S. Stanley, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Northeast Area), Agency.Oliver Henson Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Pablo A. Rodriguez v. Department of the Army 01A22130 July 30, 2002 . Pablo A. Rodriguez, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Alfred L. Davis, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Logistics Agency), Agency.Jane Siegel, Complainant, v. Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.Naomi Villa, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Brenda L. Frazier, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gregory Moffett, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Richard Elias, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Restituto N. Estacio, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Janis L. Parker, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Thomas L. Smith, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Eddie C. Clyde, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Alice S. Chen, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Constance E. Speaks, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Information Systems), Agency._______________, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Carter J. Morrison, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, (National Guard Bureau) Agency.Joan Fine, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Janet Pendleton, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ralph W. Timberlake, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Paul H. Neuhaus, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Roger B. Marcum, Complainant, v. Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce (Bureau of Census) Agency.Sonya D. Norris-Brown, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Carmen K. Krebsbach, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Debra S. Koepp, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Nola V. Smith, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Mark Zimmerman, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Patrick T. Clark, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Jeanniene L. Yates, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Portia Trotter, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Robert Albright, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Dorothy R. Tatum, Complainant, v. Glenn L. McCullough, Jr., Chairman, Tennessee Valley Authority, Agency.Laveta J. Diem, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Edmund J. Wiatr, Jr., Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Finance & Accounting Service), Agency.Francisco Sanchez-Rohena, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Wendy Sharp, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Dorothy A. Chichick, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense (DeCA), Agency.Dorothy T. Pleasant, Complainant, v. Mel R. Martinez, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Agency.Ronald L. Brack, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of Army, Agency.Jeffery S. Patterson, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Terry A. Duncan, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Vicki R. Henke, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Robert P. Geistweit, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Denise M. Sanders, Complainant, v. Agency.Gerard F. Earle, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (New York Metro Area), Agency.Shirley Gaskins Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Angela Knox, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Ira Shelton, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Gina L. Schamahorn, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation (Federal Aviation Administration), Agency.Billy R. McManis, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Lorraine G. Daliessio, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Diana Gong, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Miriam W. Grier, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Ruby G. Hunter, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Marsha L. Hopkins, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.William Capo, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Donald G. Hammersmith, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Shirley McNeal-Alexander, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area) Agency.Marie Vaughn-Walker, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Karen C. Decker Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Richard A. Champion, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Drug Enforcement Administration), Agency.Ricky L. Anderson v. National Security Agency, 01A14170 07-09-02 .Ricky L. Anderson, Complainant, v. Lt. Gen. Michael V. Hayden, Director, National Security Agency, Agency.Fredericka Watson, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Moustafa A. El-Shahat, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (New York Metro Area), Agency.Mary A. Durham, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Susan L. Kaplan, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Helen A. Walker-Wood, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Adam Currin, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Sharon Williams, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Jeannette Yasko, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Patrick S. Gavin, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of Interior, Agency.Michael L. Potts, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Dallas E. Gilbreath, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services (Food & Drug Administration), Agency.Jose L. Corral, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Leonard W. Richard, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Mae H. Henry, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.Lucius Ross, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Carmelita C. Colatat, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Hugh M. McClure, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Dianna G. Woods, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Dennis P. Nugent, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Patricia Gayles, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Terri Wiggins, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Reynaldo Frias, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Morris A. Jordan Jr., Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Iraj N. Salem, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Gerald Ladner, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Shirish A. Desai, Complainant, v. Donald Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.Terry Johnson, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.William R. Davis, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Paul Magestro, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Theresa Otterstedt, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Pacific Area), Agency.Linda A. Branon, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Kenneth Billings, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Claudette C. Bastian, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Najwa U. Kirkendall, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Barrett G. Malko, Complainant, v. Colin L. Powell, Secretary, Department of State, Agency.Ramona L. Martinez, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Pacific Area), Agency.Janet Polesovsky, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Lowell E. Darnell, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Bonnie L. Copenhaver, Complainant, v. Elaine Chao, Secretary, Department of Labor, Agency.John Soldo, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gladys A. Zimmerle, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Michael Jones, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Robert E. Waters, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.James King, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Anthony Hill Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.William P. Lally, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Gerald F. Martin, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.James R. Howard, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Robert G. Gauthier, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Kathleen M. Kline, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Hea S. Min, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Beatrice Collins, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Robert A. Stahnten Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Marcus C. Olivas, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Ernest L. Richardson, Jr., Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Lilieth A. Clarke, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Craig M. Johnson, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, (Drug Enforcement Agency), Agency.Arthur S. Cook, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Jean Burton, Complainant, v. Harvey L. Pitt, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission, Agency.Juanita Lopez, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Deborah L. Barber, Complainant, v. JoAnne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Phyllis L. Jackson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Vivian J. Swihart, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Patricia A. McGurn, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Julius E. Wright, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.James E. Howard, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Michael A. Alvarez, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Suzanne Spitnale, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.Servando Alfonso, Jr., Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Immigration and Naturalization Service), Agency.Barbara J. Drabek, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Manuel O. Reyes, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, (Immigration and Naturalization Service) Agency.Hector Rena, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Sheila M. Lucas-Bolden, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Myrtle Payne, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Gary W. Mack, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Georgette Boddie, Complainant, v. Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, Agency.Chitra Rajagopalan, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Dorothy J. Hugill, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Challis Broughton, Complainant, v. Spencer Abraham, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Richard Becker, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Charles E. Gallop, Sr., Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Michael W. Conboy, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Sahag Y. Tchakmakjian, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Alma M. Johnson, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.John L. Wyche, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Billie Mackey, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Jayson Kyser, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Anne Rivera-Quam, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Eva C.Trantham, Complainant, v. JoAnne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Rosa L. Hernandez, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Ben Christian, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Karol A. Blauth, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Stanley Keszthely, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Stephen J. Schneider, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Alvin L. Steele, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.John R. Wagner, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Marie A. Hutchinson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.Phyllis J. McField, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Jose Castillo, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Hortense M. Gonsalves, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Sammie McNeal, Jr., Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Marilyn White, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture Agency.David Cripe, Petitioner, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Gloria Moore, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Linda J. Welch, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Robert F. Fitzhugh, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, (U.S. Geological Survey), Agency.Betty Ledesma, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Philip F. Istafanos, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Michael H. Oda, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Earnestine Sykes, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Euel L. Mason, Gerald E. Plater, Averelle J. Talbott, Betty Myers, Mabel Gaines, Terrie D. Stevenson, Joel D. Banks, Donovan L. Benton, Timothy M. Brown, and William White, Jr., Complainants, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Melvin G. Drayton, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Western Area), Agency.Nelie Gordon, Complainant, v. Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.Vivian D. Williams, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Robenette G. Droze, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Robert J. Fontaine, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Patricia B. Navas, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Prithvi C. Lall, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Manuel E. Aviles, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ronald W.R. Turner, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of Army, Agency.Pargat Sandhu, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Lee Black, Complainant, v. J. Timothy O'Neill, Chairman, Federal Housing Finance Board Agency.Maurice R. Carver, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Alfred Daniely, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Sharon K. Richardson, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.John F. Surdyk, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Leonia Gordon, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Walter J. Pidgeon, Jr., Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area) Agency.Charmyn J. Calderone, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Thomas R. Ahern, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.LuAnn Watkins, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Bridgette Prince, Complainant, v. Donald E. Powell, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Agency.Diane M. Walter, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Northeast Area), Agency.Florence M. Jordan, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Ella Roberts, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Sarah M. Hernandez, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Joseph C. Payne, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.John A. Kolman, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Raymond Maxwell, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of Treasury, Agency.Carol A. Olstein, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Elton Hooper, Jr., Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Louis J. Mazurek, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Mary L. Miklosz, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Maxine Williams, Complainant, v. Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.William R. Nevin, Complainant, v. Glenn L. McCullough, Jr., Chairman, Tennessee Valley Authority, Agency.Guadalupe Bigrigg Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Marc W. Webster, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Trevor L. Newman, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Sandra C. Skinner, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Julieta L. Bonacua, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Glen R. Bates, Complainant, v. Hector V. Barreto, Administrator, Small Business Administration, Agency.John A. Wyscarver, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, (Immigration and Naturalization Service) Agency.Richard D. Cornell, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Charles F. Nicholson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gary B. Weis, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Western Area), Agency.Christopher C. Johnson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Angel F. Gomez, Complainant, v. John Ashroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Gerald McDonald, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Deborah A. Farrie Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gail S. Archbell, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.John H. Avery, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area) Agency.Albert G. Barsh, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.John C. Hamilton, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Michael P. Krawchuk, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Paula Sengphachanh, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Robert F. Dushaw, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Denice A. Forsht, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Dennis M. Lane, Complainant, v. Mel R. Martinez, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Agency.Helaine M. Jeffers, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services (HCFA), Agency.James E. Reed, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Mark E. Coates, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Stanton V. Parsons, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Delphine G. Campbell, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Terry D. Longo, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Daniel C. Russo, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Miguel M. Munoz, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Immigration and Naturalization Service), Agency.Emmanuel C. Bacuyag, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense-Army & Air Force Exchange, Agency.Jose M. Menchaca, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Joseph R. Wise, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of Navy, Agency.Paul Y. Bechtel, Complainant, v. Spencer Abraham, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Dennis E. Evans, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Domingo I. Cintron, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Janice K. Fitzgerald, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Western Area), Agency.Regina Sessoms-Skeete, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Darcy L. Walker, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.George Folk II, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster, United States Postal Service, Agency.Shirley McNeal-Alexander, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area) Agency.Terry M. Lopez, Sr., Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.AgencyWilliam L. Tanner, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Capital-Metro Area), Agency.Dianna E. McKinney, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Commissary Agency) Agency.Keith Lee, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Melonie J. Stack, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Deborah F. Cavanaugh, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Louise A. Williams, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Virgil L. Pape, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Theresa Cole, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Florenda B. Whiting, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Karen D. Love, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southeast Area) Agency.Donna M. Inman, Complainant, v. Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, Agency.Robin A. Stibbe, Complainant, v. Dennis Dollar, Chairman, National Credit Union Administration, Agency.Lynda Baker, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Carol J. Waterman, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gayle A. Finney, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Patricia H. Richardson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Philip L. Aylward, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Edward S. Houchin, Complainant, v. Mel R. Martinez, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Agency.Linda M. Canada, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Dawna Battee, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.George White, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Jesus R. Moreno, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Guy M. Sturgis, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Contract Audit Agency) Agency.Elbert Hicks, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Dallas E. Crowell, Jr., Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Carol Shores, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Antonio Hernandez, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Rodolfo Lizcano, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Benjamin D. Walker, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Allison M. Blake, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Janice F. Watkins, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Marvin E. Steele, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Freddie E. Click, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Deborah E. Mills, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Debra Phillips, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Leslie Morgan, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.McCabe Janice, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Donald M. Heard, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.James L. Davis, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Wayne C. Broadway, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Selena Street, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Florence R. Rodriguez, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Julie A. Ragsdale, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.John D. Hahn, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Northeast Area), Agency.Robyn J. Vuckel, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Barry Benardout, Complainant, v. Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.Marion L. Schulz Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Anthony G. Carroll, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Karen D. Pleasant, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Finance and Accounting Service), Agency.Robert A. Russell, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Frank C. Floro, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Andrea Coleman, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Teresa Mollica, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Patricia Flood-Williams v. Social Security Administration 05A20616 07-09-02 .Patricia Flood-Williams, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Georgia M. Goff, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Luis A. Perez, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Nelson Hubbard, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Archibald M. Martin, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Ivan K. Hughes, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Loretta V. Smith, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.James C. Greene, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Edmund Heinze, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Eunice N. Davidson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency._______________, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.James C. Reid, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Ascencion Garcia, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Vasilios M. Pappas, Lynda J. Walker, and Joanne L. Cameron, Complainants, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Alvin L. Steele, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ira Malmed, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Luann E. Jenkins, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Rachel Madrid and Marian Bergum Complainants, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Robert L. Hoffman, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Barbara Wheeler, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.William H. Ashley, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Inez C. Jordan, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Russell Day, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Mary J. Holyfield, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Fabian D. Carcallas, Jr., Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Jana M. Nicastro, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Dorothea Jones-Mason, Complainant, v. Spencer Abraham, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Bosaye V. Jeffires, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Judy Frankforter, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Raynetta Jones, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Robert Lastowski, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Roberta Bondzie, et al., Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Secundino O. Baca, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Paul Maguire, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Estate of Martha Vaiselberg, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.David Cripe, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Carol B. Cooper, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Cora L. Bogans, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Irene Jones, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Shirley McNeal-Alexander, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area) Agency.Vernell B. Kilpatrick, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Barbara McIntosh, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gary P. Galletta, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Maria D. Martinez v. Department of the Army 01A22131 July 30, 2002 . Maria D. Martinez, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Alma W. Reneau, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Claudia E. Finney, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of Interior, Agency.Cameron S. Ratkovic, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southwest Area) Agency.Lillian F. Sandle, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Cedric W. Lloyd, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Kelvin R. Riesch, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Rene L. Napier, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.Rufus R. Sandoval, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Harry L. Carter, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Paul Magee, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Diane M. Walter, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Northeast Area), Agency.Paul R. Perreault, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Western Area), Agency.Faye P. Russ, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.David J. Butler, Complainant, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Karen Harris, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Gary A. Orr, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Delores Morelon, Complainant, v. Ann M. Veneman, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.James Henderson, Petitioner, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Appeal No. 03A00113 MSPB No. AT-0752-0479-I-1Donna J. Greenwalt, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Michele C. Kolecki, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Joseph C. Payne, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Mary L. Hilfiker, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior (Bureau of Indian Affairs), Agency.Kevin E. Patterson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ana Heres, Complainant, v. Stephen A. Perry, Administrator, General Services Administration, Agency.Wanda F. Cox, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Sharon D. Jackson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Martha H. Lyles, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Willie M. Cunningham, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Joseph C Payne, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Michelle Y. Spahn, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Drug Enforcement Administration), Agency.Jimmie Foreman v. United States Postal Service 01A02894 07-12-02 .Jimmie Foreman, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Tony Patton, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ira Malmed, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Michelle Jenkins, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Terrance H. Tracy, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.John F. Sims, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Gayle S. Worthy, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Willie Jones, Complainant, v. Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.Israel Gordon, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Glenn D. Ferren, et al., Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Tammy K. Hebert, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Robert E. Daugherty, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.George Harris, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Olimpia A. Jackson, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of Air Force, Agency.Martin S. Rubin, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Darlene A. James, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Valeria Parrish, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Jerry W. West, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Evon Ridley, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Capital-Metro area), Agency.Teodolfo E. De Leon, Complainant, v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Stephen Murphy Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.William Carroll, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Anthony Pinkard, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southwest Area) Agency.Margaret H. McQueen, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Audrey Wolfe, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Estella F. Patrick, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Charles W. Bishop, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Charles G. Morgan, Complainant, v. Spencer Abraham, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Sharon Gellineau, Complainant, v. Stephen A. Perry, Administrator, General Services Administration, Agency.Wardell J. Gilbeaux, Jr., Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gary A. Green, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Mark H. White, Complainant, v. Gale A. Norton, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Gregory S. Moseley, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Azariah M. Ellington, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Sherry D. Kailer, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Rodger T. Williams, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Sabrina St. John-Metoyer, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ervin R. Armstrong, et al., Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Guy Marshall, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Michael T. Wagner, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Martin Green, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Andres Garcia, Jr., Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Cheryl L. Albright, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Denise C. Holloway, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gregory Ballard, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ronnie L. Pederson, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Ku H. Carpenter, Petitioner, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Richard H. King, Complainant, v. Spencer Abraham, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Nancy W. Lena, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Sheridan Francis, Complainant, v. Department of Health and Human Services Agency.Ku H. Carpenter, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Henry Baskin, Jr., Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Leo C. McMillan, Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Victoria M. Wagner, Complainant, v. Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.Eugene Caniely, Jr., Complainant, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Stanley Mansfield, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Teresa N. Trevino, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Harold E. Felder, Complainant, v. Thomas E. White, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Ishmeal W. Jemmot, Complainant, v. Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation, (Federal Aviation Administration) Agency.James M. Grant Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Alvin N. DeVaughn, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Juhn H. Ahn, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Harold A. Shapiro, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Charles C. Cox, Petitioner, v. Gordon R. England, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.John A. Daum, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Western Area) Agency.Frances A. Reichert, Complainant, v. Paul H. O'Neill, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.John H. Brown, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Carmen B. Young, Complainant, v. Donald E. Powell, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Agency.Marta Garwolinski, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), Agency.William E. Hyer, Complainant, v. Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Richard L. Estes, Complainant, v. Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Donna P. Corbin, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southeast Area), Agency.Samuel P. Thomas, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Norma J. Morisch, Complainant, v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Logistics Agency), Agency.Gerilyn R. Brereton, Complainant, v. Anthony J. Principi, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.