California Workers Compensation Appeals Board of California August 2021 casesPaola Flores, Applicant v. Westside Accurate Courier ServicesRebecca Gage, Applicant v. County of Sacramento, permissibly self-insured, DefendantsROGELIO TRIGUEROS, Applicant v. GONZALEZ AG, INC.; STAR INSURANCE COMPANY, administered by MEADOWBROOK INSURANCE, DefendantsEdgar Nguyen, Applicant v. Everest Value School; Preferred Employer Insurance Company, DefendantsSara Villegas, Applicant v. California Elwyn Institute; Zenith Insurance Company, DefendantsANDRES LARA (DECEASED), MAGDALENA CANDELARIO, Applicant v. JA CONTRACTING LABOR MANAGEMENT, INC.; CALIFORNIA INSURANCE GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION FOR ULLICO CASUALTY COMPANY in Liquidation; TEJON RANCH; STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND, DefendantsMiguel Galvan, Applicant v. Roy Miller Freight Lines; National Interstate, DefendantsSebastiano Bonfiglio, Applicant v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, permissibly self-insured; administered by Sedgwick Claims Management Services, DefendantsJaime Cobian, Applicant v. David E. King and Zenith Insurance Company, DefendantsSoledad Garcia, Applicant v. Lyons Magnus, Inc.; Zurich, administered by Tristar Risk Management, DefendantsROSALINDA CERVANTES, Applicant v. KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, administered by SISC, DefendantsMaria Mendoza, Applicant v. Pacifica Personnel Inc.; Meadowbrook Insurance, DefendantsVICTOR AGUILAR, Applicant v. LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLITAN; TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, PSI, DefendantsWALTER CARNEY, JR. (Deceased), Applicant v. POST COMPANY GRADING CONTRACTORS, INC., GRANITE STATE INSURANCE COMPANY, administered by AIG; STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUN, DefendantsABIEL HARRISON, Applicant v. CANYON SPRINGS POOLS And SPAS, INC.; STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND, DefendantsBrenda Lee, Applicant v. California Employment Development Department, legally uninsured, DefendantsDuane Reed, Applicant v. Franchise Tax Board, Legally Uninsured; State Compensation Insurance Fund, Adjusting Agency, DefendantsSophia Walker, Applicant v. E-Trade Group, Inc.; Ace American Insurance, DefendantsJose Ramos Badillo, Applicant v. Geneva Staffing, Inc. dba Priority Workforce, and Wesco Insurance Company, administered by Amtrust North America, Inc., DefendantsARIEL ORTEGA, Applicant v. SAN DIEGO PADRES; ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY/ CHUBB C/O SEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., DefendantsManuela Berrios, Applicant v. Kellermeyer Bergensons Services, Inc.; Zurich American Insurance Company, administered by Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc., DefendantsMichael Lopez, Applicant v. Protac Security, and National Liability amp; Fire Insurance, administered by Biberk Insurance Services, DefendantsFrancisco Castellanos Navarro, Applicant v. Jetship Corporation; Protective Insurance Company, DefendantsTRACY ROBINSON, Applicant v. GAY & LESBIAN ADOLESCENT SOCIETY; NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY administered by AIG CLAIMS SERVICES, DefendantsMARCO RIVERA, Applicant v. DALLAS COWBOYS, insured by GREAT DIVIDE INSURANCE COMPANY, c/o BERKLEY ENTERTAINMENT, DefendantsALDAIR CLEMENTE, Applicant v. CUCINA MIA RESTAURANT GROUP/NONNA RESTAURANT; EMPLOYERS PREFERRED INSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsCraig Claver, Applicant v. State of California, Department of Corrections, legally uninsured, adjusted by State Compensation Insurance Fund, DefendantsADJ10913544 FERNANDO MURILLO TAPIA, Applicant v. CPC LOGISTICS LLC And ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY; administered by CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., DefendantsCarol Laudonio, Applicant v. County of San Bernardino, Permissibly Self-Insured, DefendantsGuillermina Thorlaksson, Applicant v. Santa Barbara Unified School District, permissibly self-insured, administered by Self-Insured Schools of California, DefendantsVincent Duke, Applicant v. Morrow & Morrow; State Compensation Insurance Fund, DefendantsTeresa Minogue, Applicant v. Santa Cruz Regional 9-1-1, permissibly self-insured, DefendantsJESSE CAMACHO, Applicant v. 99 CENTS ONLY STORES; BROADSPIRE, DefendantsTimoteo Martinez Ildefonso (Deceased), Applicant v. Mrs. Gooch's Natural Food Markets Incorporated; Zurich American Insurance Company, DefendantsANA ESCOBAR, Applicant v. WOOD RANCH BBQ & GRILL, INC.; SENTRY INSURANCE, DefendantsJEFFREY RODRIGUEZ (Deceased); PATRICIA RODRIGUEZ, Applicant v. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, permissibly self-insured, administered by AIMS, DefendantsPETER CUEN, Applicant v. WOOD GROUP; ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsKamlesh Banga, Applicant v. State Compensation Insurance Fund; legally uninsured, administered by Acclamation Insurance Management Services, DefendantsKYRA ACKERMAN, Applicant v. COMMUNITY MFG.; AMTRUST NORTH AMERICA, DefendantsEpifanio Medina, Applicant v. Matthew Wilson Specialty CONTRACTOR’S, Inc., dba Second Nature, and Mid-Century Insurance Company, DefendantsLiliana Perez, Applicant v. E&J Gallo Winery, permissibly self-insured, DefendantsMARISOL RESENDIZ, Applicant v. LA CORNETA, INC.; EMPLOYERS ASSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsALI NOOR, Applicant v. HANKEY GROUP; INTERCARE 5915 ORANGE, DefendantsDAVID VALDEZ, Applicant v. FW SERVICES INC.; ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY administered by ESIS, DefendantsMARIA CARMEN JIMENEZ, Applicant v. STATE OF CALIFORNIA/IN-HOME SUPPORTIVE SERVICES, legally uninsured, administered by YORK RISK SERVICES GROUP, INC., DefendantsSIMONE HAMILTON, Applicant v. MAK'M, INC., dba COLD STONE CREAMERY; PEERLESS INSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsLEONCIO GARCIA, Applicant v. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; administered by AIMS, DefendantsANGEL BENITEZ, Applicant v. JV CONTRACTING; CAL AG RESOURCES, INC.; CALIFORNIA FARM MANAGEMENT, INC.; STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND; and PACIFIC CLAIMS MANAGEMENT, DefendantsLAZARO VALDES DE LA TORRE, Applicant v. A&B LOGISTICS, INC.; ARMAN AKOPIAN AND BEKZOD KHODJAKHONOV, DefendantsADJ11433178 JOSE FIGUEROA, Applicant v. AMERICAN MARINE CORPORATION; ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsROBERTO RUIZ, Applicant v. BRENT AUTO SPA; MARKEL SERVICE, INC., MARKEL INSURANCE SERVICES, DefendantsPenny Nickles Underwood, Applicant v. Schurman Fine Papers, Inc; the Hartford Western WC Claim Center, DefendantsTARA DURHAM, Applicant v. AVEANNA HEALTHCARE, LLC; CORVEL CORPORATION., DefendantsErvin Parker, Applicant v. State of California, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, legally uninsured, adjusted by State Compensation Insurance Fund, DefendantsRonald Maxwell, Applicant v. City of Stockton, permissibly self-insured; administered by Athens Administrators, DefendantsRITA FORREST, Applicant v. SAN MATEO COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT, permissibly self-insured, administered by THE CITIES GROUP, DefendantsGeorge Patton, Applicant v. Sherwin-Williams Co.; Ace American Insurance Company, adjusted by Gallagher Bassett, DefendantsAntonio Vega, Applicant v. Cabinets 2000, LLC; Cypress Insurance, administered by Berkshire Hathaway, DefendantsJerry Villegas Payan, Applicant v. West Coast Auto Sales; N&H Motors; Technology Insurance, administered by Amtrust, DefendantsSTEPHANIE ONG, Applicant v. BEVERLY HILLS BMW; THE HARTFORD, Administered by SEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES, DefendantsDeath Without Dependents, Applicant v. City of Sacramento, DefendantJerry Armenta, Applicant v. Robin BartholomewMaurilio Perez (Deceased), Applicant v. Dynamic Auto Images, Inc. dba Dynamic Collision of Victorville; United Wisconsin Insurance Company, administered by American Claims Management, DefendantsChristopher Diprima, Applicant v. Lucchese Market, California Insurance Guarantee Association, DefendantsMargie Bush, Applicant v., Inc., DefendantsMichael Flintroy, Applicant v. Pacific Bell Telephone Co.; Old Republic Insurance Company, DefendantsMARIA ROMO, Applicant v. INTERIORS, INC. dba WINDSOR ART, INC.; SAFETY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, administered by ACCLAMATION MANAGEMENT INSURANCE SERVICES, DefendantsMiguel Alvarado, Applicant v. Pierre Lafond & Company; Cypress Insurance Company, care of Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies, Defendants