Equal Employment Opportunity Commission January 2017 casesMaria Sweeney, a/k/a Delphia F,1 Complainant, v. Eric K. Fanning, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Dayle H.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Irish M.,1 Complainant, v. Deborah Lee James, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Lu T.,1 Complainant, v. Dr. Ernest Moniz, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Zonia C. v. Dept. of the ArmyKyle S.,1 Complainant, v. Sean J. Stackley, Acting Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Chris A.,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Dominic S.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Thad P.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs (Veterans Health Administration), Agency.Petronila B.,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Mervin D.,1 Complainant, v. Penny Pritzker, Secretary, Department of Commerce (Bureau of the Census), Agency.Valentin P.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Orval T.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Western Area), Agency.Abe U.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Dixie K. v. U.S. Postal Serv.Victoria B. Freeney, a/k/a Margorie L.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Amie H.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs (Veterans Health Administration), Agency.Chau Q.,1 Complainant, v. Jacob J. Lew, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.Simonne J.,1 Complainant, v. James C. Duff, Director, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Agency.Mahalia P.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Western Area), Agency.Stevie R,1 Complainant, v. G. Wayne Clough, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, Agency.Lynwood R.,1 Complainant, v. Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Drug Enforcement Administration), Agency.Silas T.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Pacific Area), Agency.Melvin S,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Kyle S. v. Dep't of the NavyStacie D. v. U.S. Postal Serv.Nicole T. v. Dep't of Def.Harrison S.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Doria R.,1 Complainant, v. Maria Contreras-Sweet, Administrator, Small Business Administration, Agency.Jermaine H.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.Josephine S.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Martha H.,1 Complainant, v. Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Agency.Frank R.,1 Complainant, v. Anthony Foxx, Secretary, Department of Transportation (Federal Aviation Administration), Agency.Selene M.,1 Complainant, v. Anthony Foxx, Secretary, Department of Transportation, (Federal Transit Administration), Agency.Kim S,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs (Veterans Health Administration), Agency.Sang L.,1 Complainant, v. Catherine McCabe, Acting Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, Agency.Lemuel D.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.Erich B.,1 Petitioner, v. Dr. Ernest Moniz, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Alvina S.,1 Complainant, v. James N. Mattis, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Intelligence Agency), Agency.Nevada R. v. Dep't of Veterans AffairsDayle H. v. Dep't Of Veterans AffairsAlvina S. v. Dep't of Def.Nelson R,1 Complainant, v. Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Agency.Ellan C.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Sade M.,1 Complainant, v. Deborah Lee James, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Stella B.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Customs and Border Protection), Agency.Jeffry R.,1 Complainant, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Larraine D.,1 Complainant, v. Eric K. Fanning, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Sharonda M.,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Van P.,1 Complainant, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Rosina L.,1 Complainant, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Matilde M. v. Soc. Sec. Admin.Lynne E.,1 Complainant, v. Jacob J. Lew, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.Dominica H.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Northeast Area), Agency.Cher B. v. Dep't Of Veterans AffairsAdolfo O. v. Dep't of Homeland Sec.Jackqueline G. v. Dep't of JusticeHoracio M.,1 Complainant, v. Tom J. Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture (Forest Service), Agency.Natalie F.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Keri C.,1 Complainant, v. Robert D. Snyder, Acting Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Aline A.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.John Frederick, a/k/a Eric M.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Deliris Montanez, a/k/a Maryanne S.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Customs and Border Protection), Agency.Joleen M. v. Dep't of Veterans AffairsStarr R. v. Gen. Serv. Admin.Chi E.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.Herb L., 1 Joseph B. Complainants, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Capital Metro Area), Agency.Shenika B.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.Madeleine C,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Diego V.,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.April T.,1 Complainant, v. Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Agency.Heath P.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Matilde M.,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Madlyn F.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Agency.Claudia A.,1 Complainant, v. Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Agency.Cordell H.,1 Petitioner, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security2 (Customs and Border Protection), Agency.Celinda L.,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Darrin H.,1 Complainant, v. John Kerry, Secretary, Department of State, Agency.Idell M.,1 Complainant, v. Tom J. Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture (Farm Service Agency(FSA)), Agency.Karlene G.,1 Complainant, v. Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (E.E.O.C.) Office of Federal Operations * * * DIXIE K., COMPLAINANT, v. MEGAN J. BRENNAN, POSTMASTER GENERAL, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (GREAT LAKES AREA), AGENCY.Selene M. v. Dep't of Transp.Herb L., 1 Joseph B. Complainants, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Capital Metro Area), Agency.Werner K.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration), Agency.Melodee M.,1 Complainant, v. Tom J. Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture (Agricultural Marketing Service), Agency.Bertie T.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Donny F. v. Dep't of Homeland Sec.Tommy C.,1 Petitioner, v. Thomas E. Perez, Secretary, Department of Labor, Agency.Chau O,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration), Agency.Monika I. Ahmadpour-Bahnamiri, a/k/a Belia B,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Capital Metro Area), Agency.Roland T.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Northeast Area), Agency.Harmony E.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Chadwick S,1 Complainant, v. Anthony Foxx, Secretary, Department of Transportation (Federal Aviation Administration), Agency.Lenny W.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Citizenship and Immigration Services), Agency.Nila S.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Agency.Elfrieda R.,1 Complainant, v. Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Agency.Zula T,1 Complainant, v. Eric K. Fanning, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Clayton C,1 Complainant, v. Bill Johnson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Tennessee Valley Authority, Agency.Tabetha M.,1 Complainant, v. James N. Mattis, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Logistics Agency), Agency.Sadie M.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.Renee P.,1 Complainant, v. Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Devnoa V.,1 Complainant, v. Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of the Interior (National Park Service), Agency.Emma B.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Chanelle B.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Roland T. v. U.S.Postal Serv.Wilda M. v. U.S. Postal Serv.Allene S.,1 Complainant, v. James C. Duff, Director, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Agency.Cher B.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Request No. 0520170038Maricela P.,1 Complainant, v. Jacob J. Lew, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.Christina P. Ruiz, a/k/a Torie A.,1 Complainant, v. Deborah Lee James, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Joseph McKinney, a/k/a Dan H.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Western Area), Agency.Margot Y.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Renee P.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.Scarlet M., Maxima R., Sharolyn S. v. Dep't of the NavyLia M.,1 Complainant, v. Ashton B. Carter, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Logistics Agency), Agency.Alesia P.,1 Complainant, v. Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Prisons), Agency.Cyrus H.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Cathy M.,1 Complainant, v. Denise Turner Roth, Administrator, General Services Administration, Agency.Earlie C. v. U.S. Postal Serv.Wilda M.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Bret B.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs (Veterans Health Administration), Agency.Scarlet M.,1 Maxima R., Sharolyn S., Complainants, v. Sean J. Stackley, Acting Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Augustine P,1 Complainant, v. Penny Pritzker, Secretary, Department of Commerce, Agency.Nigel S,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Lavonne E.,1 Complainant, v. John F. Kelly, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Federal Emergency Management Agency), Agency.Alisa M.,1 Complainant, v. Thomas E. Perez, Secretary, Department of Labor (Employment and Training Administration), Agency.Herta K.,1 Complainant, v. Thomas E. Perez, Secretary, Department of Labor, Agency.Palmer N.,1 Complainant, v. James C. Duff, Director, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Agency.Lamont C.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Clay W.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.Porter P.,1 Complainant, v. Eric K. Fanning, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Elvera S,1 Complainant, v. Jacob J. Lew, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.Isaiah R.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Charlyn P.,1 Complainant, v. Gina McCarthy, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, Agency.Romeo K.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Hester S.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Pacific Area), Agency.Zula T.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Lynnette M.,1 Complainant, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Zula T. v. USPSJonathon M. v. U.S. Postal Serv.Robert J. Vozzella, a/k/a Damon Q.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Northeast Area), Agency.Scarlet M.,1 Maxima R., Sharolyn S., Complainants, v. Sean J. Stackley, Acting Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Harold M.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration), Agency.Charlie K.,1 Complainant, v. Jenny R. Yang, Chair, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,2 Agency.Heath P. v. U.S. Postal Serv.Arnold C.,1 Complainant, v. Jacob J. Lew, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (Bureau of Engraving and Printing), Agency.Marc L.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Christopher F. Ford, a/k/a Shayne K,1 Complainant, v. Deborah Lee James, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Casie S.,1 Complainant, v. Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Agency.Floyd L.,1 Complainant, v. Robert M. Speer, Acting Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Taryn S.,1 Complainant, v. Deborah Lee James, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Maricruz Y,1 Petitioner, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Lilian C.,1 Complainant, v. Jacob J. Lew, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.Erline S.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Harriet M.,1 Complainant, v. James N. Mattis, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Logistics Agency), Agency.Earlie C.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Johnathon M.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Citizenship and Immigration Services), Agency.Terrence H. v. Dep't of Def.Deon C.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Alma F.,1 Petitioner, v. Eric K. Fanning, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Arlette W. v. Dep't of the ArmyZonia C.,1 Complainant, v. Eric K. Fanning, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Mario G.,1 Complainant, v. James N. Mattis, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Intelligence Agency), Agency.Julieta B.,1 Complainant, v. Maria Contreras-Sweet, Administrator, Small Business Administration, Agency.Junior T.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Western Area), Agency.Elvis O.,1 Complainant, v. Ashton B. Carter, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Threat Reduction Agency), Agency.Sonny M.,1 Complainant, v. Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Tianna M,1 Complainant, v. John F. Kelly, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration), Agency.Billy S.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Jamie K.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Bernardo C.,1 Complainant, v. Robert D. Snyder, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Sang L.,1 Complainant, v. Catherine McCabe, Acting Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, Agency.Jody L.,1 Complainant, v. Ashton B. Carter, Secretary, Department of Defense (Department of Defense Education Activity), Agency.Lu T. v. Dep't of EnergyKacy C.,1 Complainant, v. John Kerry, Secretary, Department of State, Agency.Amie H. v. Dep't of Veterans AffairsKina V. v. U.S. Postal Serv.Johnathon M.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Starr R.,1 Complainant, v. Denise Turner Roth, Administrator, General Services Administration, Agency.Karan F.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Lauralee C.,1 Complainant, v. Julian Castro, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Agency.Nicole T.,1 Complainant, v. Ashton B. Carter, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Commissary Agency), Agency.Ron W.,1 Complainant, v. Norman C. Bay, Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Agency.Jeraldine Strahan, a/k/a Priscila F.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Deadra C.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Capital Metro Area), Agency.James S.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency./a Alfonso T.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Western Area), Agency.John M. Little, a/k/a Zachariah W.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Alvaro M.,1 Complainant, v. Ashton B. Carter, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Kina V.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Western Area), Agency.Demetria G.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Jackqueline G.,1 Complainant, v. Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General, Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Agency.Amy A. Hafner, a/k/a Shanta M.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Garth N.,1 Complainant, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Erika H.,1 Complainant, v. Julian Castro, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Agency.Alfred S. v. Soc. Sec. Admin.Maren K.,1 Complainant, v. Dr. Ernest Moniz, Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Trent M.,1 Complainant, v. Sean J. Stackley, Acting Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Renaldo V.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Headquarters), Agency.Jawan Noel Tarquinii, a/k/a Cherie F.,1 Complainant, v. Davita Vance-Cooks, Public Printer, United States Government Printing Office, Agency.Ronnie T. Horne, a/k/a Lilian C.,1 Complainant, v. Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Joleen M.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Virgina K,1 Complainant, v. Anthony Foxx, Secretary, Department of Transportation (Federal Aviation Administration), Agency.Wade K.,1 Complainant, v. Dr. Grace Bochenek, Acting Secretary, Department of Energy, Agency.Sheila I,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Terrence H.,1 Complainant, v. Ashton B. Carter, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Contract Audit Agency), Agency.Billie S.,1 Complainant, v. Tom J. Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture (Food Safety and Inspection Service), Agency.Alden V,1 Complainant, v. Thomas E. Perez, Secretary, Department of Labor, Agency.Sadie M. v. U.S. Postal Serv.Augustine P.,1 Complainant, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Bertie T.,1 Petitioner, v. Eric K. Fanning, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Antoinette L,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Florentino Lopez Mata, a/k/a August V.,1 Complainant, v. Eric K. Fanning, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Harriet M. v. Dep't of Def.Sylvia B.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration), Agency.Alvaro M. v. Dep't of Def.Lynwood R. v. Dep't of JusticeLouise S. v. Soc. Sec. Admin.Malorie D.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Pacific Area), Agency.Dixie B.,1 Complainant, v. Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration), Agency.Stacie D.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Lemuel M.,1 Complainant, v. Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of the Interior (National Park Service), Agency.Kennith M.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southern Area), Agency.Hilda H.,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Anette B.,1 Complainant, v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Pacific Area), Agency.Stephen S. Hillyer, a/k/a Dwight F,1 Complainant, v. Penny Pritzker, Secretary, Department of Commerce (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration), Agency.Levi S.,1 Complainant, v. Tom J. Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Agency.Malcolm N. v. Soc. Sec. Admin.Julianna H.,1 Complainant, v. Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Luigi H.,1 Complainant, v. Tom J. Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services), Agency.