W. Va. Code § 22C-4-6
Notwithstanding any provision of this article, any county commission which, on the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight, held a valid permit or compliance order for a commercial solid waste transfer station issued pursuant to article fifteen, chapter twenty-two of this code, may elect to assume all the duties, powers, obligations, rights, title and interests vested in the county solid waste authority by this chapter. A county commission may, prior to the first day of October, one thousand nine hundred eighty-nine, exercise this right of election by entering an order declaring such election and serving a certified copy thereof upon the solid waste management board. Thirty days after entry of said order by the county commission the county solid waste authority ceases to exist and the county commission assumes all the duties, powers, obligations, rights, title and interest vested in the former authority pursuant to this chapter or chapter twenty-two of this code.
W. Va. Code § 22C-4-6