Section 22C-4-7 - Management of authority vested in board of directors; expenses paid by county commissions, procedure(a) The management and control of the authority, its property, operations and affairs of any nature is vested in and governed by the board of directors.(b) The expenses of any county solid waste authority incurred for necessary secretarial and clerical assistance, office supplies and general administrative expenses, in the development of the litter and solid waste control plan under section eight of this article and to provide solid waste collection and disposal services under this article shall be paid by the county commission from the general funds in the county treasury to the extent that such expenses are not paid by fees, grants and funds received by the authority from other sources. The county commission has the authority to determine the amount to be allocated annually to the authority.(c) The expenses of any regional solid waste authority incurred for necessary secretarial and clerical assistance, office supplies and general administrative expenses, or for the development of the litter and solid waste control plan under section eight of this article, or to provide solid waste collection and disposal services under this article shall be paid by the county commissions of each participating county from general funds in the county treasury to the extent that such expenses are not paid by fees, grants and funds from other sources received by the authority. Each county participating in the regional solid waste authority shall pay a pro rata share of such expenses based upon the population of said county in the most recent decennial census conducted by the United States Census Bureau. Prior to any county becoming liable for any expenses of the authority under this subsection, the authority's annual budget must first be approved by the solid waste management board.(d) An organizational meeting of each board of directors shall be held as soon as practicable at which time a chair and vice chair shall be elected from among the members of the board to serve a term of one year after which such officers shall be elected annually. The board of directors shall also appoint a secretary-treasurer, who need not be a member of the board of directors, and who shall give bond in a sum determined adequate to protect the interests of the authority by the director of the division of environmental protection. The board shall meet at such times and places as it or the chair may determine. It is the duty of the chair to call a meeting of the board upon the written request of a majority of the members thereof. The board shall maintain an accurate record and minutes of all its proceedings and is subject to the provisions of article one, chapter twenty-nine-b of this code, the freedom of information act and article nine-a, chapter six of this code, open governmental proceedings. A majority of the board is a quorum for the transaction of business.