W. Va. Code § 22C-4-5
The county and regional solid waste authorities created herein, as the case may be, are the successors to the county commissions of each county, or the solid waste authority previously created by said commission and abolished as of the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred eighty-nine, by this article, in the ownership, operation and maintenance of such dumps, landfills and other solid waste facilities, solid waste collection services and litter and solid waste control programs. The county commission of each county, or the solid waste authority thereof, shall, on the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred eighty-nine, transfer all ownership, operation, control and other rights, title and interests in such solid waste facilities, services and programs, and the properties, funds, appropriations and contracts related thereto to the county or regional solid waste authority established pursuant to this article.
W. Va. Code § 22C-4-5