Section 16-573-040 - Assessments and collections(1)Assessments.(a) The assessment on all varieties of oilseeds subject to this marketing order shall be ten cents per hundredweight and shall be deducted by the first purchaser from the price paid to the grower. The assessment shall be remitted to the board in accordance with procedures adopted by the board.(b) The assessments shall not be payable on any oilseeds used by the producer on their premises for feed, seed and personal consumption.(2)Collections. Excess moneys collected by the board under this order during the fiscal year may be carried over and used during the next successive fiscal year. The board may also recommend that excess moneys at the close of a fiscal year be refunded on a pro rata basis to the producers from whom the moneys were collected.(3)Penalties. Any due and payable assessment levied in the specified amount as may be determined by the board under the act and this order is a personal debt of the person assessed or who owes the debt, and it is due and payable to the board when payment is called for by the board. If a person fails to pay the board the full amount of the assessment by the date due, the board may add to the unpaid assessment or sum an amount not exceeding ten percent of the amount owed. In the event of failure of the person or persons to pay the full amount due, the board may bring a civil action against the person or persons in a state court of competent jurisdiction for the collection thereof, together with the above specified ten percent , and the action shall be tried and judgment rendered as in any other cause of action for debt due and payable.Wash. Admin. Code § 16-573-040
Amended by WSR 14-06-050, filed 2/27/14, effective 3/30/2014Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.65 RCW. 98-04-093, § 16-573-040, filed 2/4/98, effective 6/1/98.