Section 16-573-030 - Marketing order purposes This marketing order is to promote the general welfare of the state and for the purpose of maintaining existing markets or creating new or larger local, domestic and foreign markets; or increasing production efficiency, ensuring a fair regulatory environment; or increasing per capita use of oilseed products grown in Washington state. The Washington state oilseeds board is designated by the director to conduct the following programs in accordance with chapter 15.65 RCW:
(1) Establish plans and conduct programs for marketing, sales, promotion or other programs for maintaining present markets or creating new or larger markets for oilseeds. The programs shall be directed toward increasing the sale of oilseeds without reference to any particular brand or trade name and shall neither make use of false or unwarranted claims in behalf of oilseeds nor disparage the quality, value, sale or use of any other agricultural commodity.(2) Provide for research in the production, processing, irrigation, transportation, handling or distribution of oilseeds and expend the necessary funds for such purposes. Insofar as practicable, the research must be carried out by Washington State University, but if in the judgment of the board the Washington State University does not have adequate facilities for a particular project or if some other research agency has better facilities , the project may be carried out by other research agencies selected by the board.(3) Provide for the prevention, modification or removal of trade barriers which obstruct the free flow of the affected commodity to market.(4) Conduct programs for the purpose of providing information and education including: (a) Marketing information and services for producers of oilseeds for the verification of grades, standards, weights, tests and sampling of quality and quantity of oilseeds purchased by handlers from producers;(b) Information and services enabling producers to meet their resource conservation objectives;(c) Oilseed-related education and training.(5) Subject to the provisions of the act, provide information and communicate on matters pertaining to the production, irrigation, processing, transportation, marketing, or uses of oilseeds produced in Washington state to any elected official or officer or employee of an agency.(6) The director shall approve any plans, programs, and projects concerning: (a) The establishment, issuance, effectuation and administration of programs authorized under this section for advertising and promotion of oilseeds.(b) The establishment and effectuation of market research projects, market development projects, or both to the end that marketing and utilization of oilseeds may be encouraged, expanded, improved, or made more efficient.(7) Prohibit making or publishing false or misleading advertising. The regulation may authorize uniform trade practices applicable to all similarly situated handlers and, or other persons.Wash. Admin. Code § 16-573-030
Amended by WSR 14-06-050, filed 2/27/14, effective 3/30/2014Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.65 RCW. 98-04-093, § 16-573-030, filed 2/4/98, effective 6/1/98.