Section 16-573-041 - Time - Place - Method for payment and collection of assessments Effective with the growing season of 1998, the following procedure is established for the reporting and paying of assessments levied pursuant to RCW 15.65.410 and WAC 16-573-040:
(1) All first handlers of oilseeds grown in the state of Washington, or the person acting on behalf of a first buyer, shall withhold the amount of assessment from their remittance to growers of oilseeds and transmit it to the board.(2) All assessments will be due and payable to the board within thirty days of collection. With the submission of the assessments, a report listing the name, address, volume handled or purchased and amount deducted or collected for each producer must be submitted to the board on forms provided by or approved by the board.(3) Any assessments paid after the above deadlines shall be accompanied by a penalty fee of ten percent in accordance with RCW 15.65.440 of the act.Wash. Admin. Code § 16-573-041
Amended by WSR 14-06-050, filed 2/27/14, effective 3/30/2014Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.65 RCW. 98-04-093, § 16-573-041, filed 2/4/98, effective 6/1/98.