California Workers Compensation Appeals Board of California July 2022 casesMaria Rodriguez, Applicant v. Southland Care Center, Permissibly SELF-INSURED; Administered by York Risk Services, DefendantsClaudia Isaac, Applicant v. the Kroger Company dba Foods Co., permissibly self-insured, administered by Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc., DefendantsCHANTEL SEVILLANO, Applicant v. KORE 1 INC.; ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, adjusted by INTACT INSURANCE SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS, DefendantsBaby Manuel Hernandez, Applicant v. CAFé Rio Mexican Grill, Inc.; WCF National Insurance Company (Advantage Rocklin), DefendantsDinora Guerra, Applicant v. Texis Restaurant, Inc.; State Compensation Insurance Fund, DefendantsGERALD PADDIO, Applicant v. CLEVELAND CAVALIERS, TIG INSURANCE COMPANY, administered by ZENITH INSURANCE COMPANY; SEATTLE SUPERSONICS, TIG INSURANCE, COMPANY, administered by ZENITH INSURANCE COMPANY; INDIANA PACERS, possibly insured by TIG INSURANCE COMPANY, administered by ZENITH INSURANCE COMPANY; NEW YORK KNICKS, self-insured; WASHINGTON BULLETS aka WASHINGTON WIZARDS, TIG INSURANCE COMPANY, administered by ZENITH INSURANCE COMPANY; CHICAGO ROCKERS, insurance coverage unknown; LAS VEGAS SLAM, TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, DefendantsIsidro Soriano Gonzalez, Applicant v. Hickory Springs of California; Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, DefendantsJuan Jose Aguirre Silvestre, Applicant v. Rockaway Construction, Inc.; Everest National Insurance Company, administered by American Claims Management, DefendantsPerry Morefield, Applicant v. County of Ventura, Permissibly Self-Insured, DefendantsJEROME EDWARDS, Applicant v. HP HOOD, LLC; ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE CO.; adjusted by ESIS, DefendantsERNESTINE DE SOTO, Applicant v. SUBSEQUENT INJURIES BENEFITS TRUST FUND, DefendantsJames Parish, Applicant v. Angels Sheet Metal, Inc.; State Compensation Insurance Fund, DefendantsEmmanuel Michael Banaag, Applicant v. State of California, Department of Corrections amp; Rehabilitation, legally uninsured, administered by State Compensation Insurance Fund, DefendantsHilda Ponce, Applicant v. Red 5 Studios; Federal Insurance Company, DefendantsDorothy Garcia, Applicant v. Virtu Usa; Amguard Insurance Company, Administered by Guard Insurance Co., DefendantsBill Graves, Applicant v. Coorstek, Inc.; Travelers Property Casualty Company of America, DefendantsMARTHA ORTEGA, Applicant v. GIB 10, INC. dba JIM’S BURGERS; STAR INSURANCE COMPANYMarcell Ball, Applicant v. Quality Drivers Solutions; Ace American Insurance Company, care of Cannon Cochran Management Services, DefendantsEsther Dominguez, Applicant v. Venture HR; State National Inusrance Co.; administered by Cannon Cochran, DefendantsRobert Bergman, Applicant v. Barrett Business Services Inc, permissibly self-insured, administered by Corvel Corporation, DefendantsEALISE CRUMB, Applicant v. APC TECHNOLOGY, INC.; STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND, DefendantsDebbie Chadburn, Applicant v. Applied Materials, Inc.; XL Specialty Insurance Company; administered by Corvel and Arrowood Indemnity Company, DefendantsMark Perez, Applicant v. RALEY’S Fine Foods, Permissibly Self-Insured, DefendantRodolfo Martinez, Applicant v. Imperial Sprinkler Supply, Inc.; California Insurance Company adjusted by Applied Risk Services, DefendantsBRANDON DAGG, Applicant v. SUBSEQUENT INJURIES BENEFITS TRUST FUND, DefendantsDexter Alan Nitta, Applicant v. Ralphs Grocery Company, Permissibly Self-Insured; Sedgwick Claims Management Services, DefendantsRebecca Gray, Applicant v. Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund, DefendantsMark Erhardt, Applicant v. U.S. Concrete dba Central Concrete Supply Company, Inc. permissibly self-insured, administered by Sedgwick Claims Management Services, DefendantsCraig Markowski, Applicant v. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Permissibly Self-Insured; Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund, DefendantsRONALD PAYNE, Applicant v. CDCR, administered by STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND/STATE CONTRACT SERVICES, Adjusting Agency, DefendantsJENNA MCCOMBIE, Applicant v. REA-2003-1, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, dba SADDLE RANCH CHOP HOUSE; EMPLOYERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE COMPANY DefendantsCLIFFORD TOMB, III, Applicant v. BALBOA CITY SCHOOLS; OAK RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY C/O BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY, DefendantsMark West, Applicant v. County of Sacramento; Department of Water Resources, permissibly self-insured, DefendantJuanita Ramirez, Applicant v. Saint Lucia Medical Group, Inc.; Preferred Employers Insurance Company, DefendantsBlake Lycett, Applicant v. County of San Mateo, permissibly self-insured, administered by Athens Administrations, DefendantsGAMAL HABIB, Applicant v. LITHIA MOTORS, INC./DCH TOYOTA OF TORRANCE; CORVEL, DefendantsMario Acosta, Applicant v. Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund, DefendantsSuzanne Cailliez, Applicant v. Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund, DefendantsKATIA ESCOBEDO, Applicant v. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE SYSTEM/PROSPECT MEDICAL HOLDINGS, Permissibly Self-Insured, Administered by CORVEL, DefendantsEsther Jaimes, Applicant v. Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund, DefendantsLaura Richardson, Applicant v. Havas Formula and XL Specialty Insurance, administered by Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc., DefendantsSergio Hernandez, Applicant v. Airfoil Technologies Incorporated and Travelers Property Casualty Company of America, DefendantsSIU CHAN, Applicant v. HOLLYPARK CASINO; INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, DefendantsCHRISTOPHER JOHNSON, Applicant v. LEXMAR DISTRIBUTION dba LDI TRUCKING, INC.; CLEAR SPRING PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANY administered by CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., DefendantsLeon Hudson, Applicant v. County of Los Angeles SHERIFF’S Department; legally uninsured, administered by York Risk Services Group, Inc., DefendantsADJ7090716 THOMAS MCKENNA, Applicant v. REYNOLDS AND REYNOLDS; CHUBB GROUP LOS ANGELES, Defendants vCharlene Lytle, Applicant v. Automobile Club of Southern California; Hartford Accident amp; Indemnity, Administered by Ccmsi, DefendantsAnita Cornejo-Ruvalcaba, Applicant v. Pajaro Valley Unified School District, administered by Keenan amp; Associates, DefendantsVladimir Tkachuk, Applicant v. Crystal Cream amp; Butter; Arrowood Indemnity, DefendantsMARCIA McCREA, Applicant v. ADELANTO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT, permissibly self-insured member of CSRM JPA, administered by YORK RISK SERVICES GROUP, a SEDGWICK COMPANY, DefendantsHilario Hernandez, Applicant v. Bob Jahns Roofing, Inc.; United Wisconsin Insurance Company, Administered by Next Level Administrators, DefendantsNorma Depucci, Applicant v. Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund, DefendantsERICA PULIDO, Applicant v. CAPABUNGA; PROCENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY/ILLINOIS MIDWEST INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC, Defendants