48 U.S.C. § 736
So much of the law which was in force at the time of cession, April 11th, 1899, forbidding the marriage of priests, ministers, or followers of any faith because of vows they may have taken, being paragraph 4, article 83, chapter 3, civil code, and which was continued by the order of the secretary of justice of Puerto Rico, dated March 17, 1899, and promulgated by Major General Guy V. Henry, United States Volunteers, is repealed and annulled, and all persons lawfully married in Puerto Rico shall have all the rights and remedies conferred by law upon parties to either civil or religious marriages. Paragraph 1, article 105, section 4, divorce, civil code, and paragraph 2, section 19, of the order of the minister of justice of Puerto Rico, dated March 17, 1899, and promulgated by Major General Guy V. Henry, United States Volunteers, are so amended as to read: "Adultery on the part of either the husband or the wife."
48 U.S.C. § 736
CODIFICATIONSection was not enacted as part of the Puerto Rican Federal Relations Act which comprises this chapter.
CHANGE OF NAME"Puerto Rico" substituted in text for "Porto Rico" pursuant to act May 17, 1932, which is classified to section 731a of this title.