- Section 731 - Territory included under name Puerto Rico
- Section 731a - Change of name; Puerto Rico
- Section 731b - Organization of a government pursuant to a constitution
- Section 731c - Submission of sections 731b to 731e of this title to people of Puerto Rico for referendum; convening of constitutional convention; requisites of constitution
- Section 731d - Ratification of constitution by Congress
- Section 731e - Chapter continued in force and effect
- Section 732 - Repealed
- Section 733 - Citizens; former Spanish subjects and children; body politic; name
- Section 733a - Citizens; residence in island of citizens of United States
- Section 733a-1 - Repealed
- Section 733b - Omitted
- Section 734 - United States laws extended to Puerto Rico; internal revenue receipts covered into treasury
- Section 734a - Extension of industrial alcohol and internal revenue laws to Puerto Rico
- Section 735 - Repealed
- Section 736 - Puerto Rican law modified
- Section 737 - Privileges and immunities
- Section 738 - Free interchange of merchandise with United States
- Section 739 - Duties on foreign imports; books and pamphlets in English language
- Section 740 - Duties and taxes to constitute fund for benefit of Puerto Rico; ports of entry
- Section 741 - Export duties, taxes, etc.; bonds to anticipate revenues
- Section 741a - Internal-revenue taxes; levy and collection; discrimination
- Section 742 - Acknowledgment of deeds
- Section 743 - Repealed
- Section 744 - Coasting trade laws
- Section 745 - Tax exempt bonds
- Section 745a - Public improvement bonds sold to United States or agency thereof excluded from public indebtedness
- Section 745b - Refunding bonds excluded temporarily in computing indebtedness
- Section 746 - Public lands and buildings; reservations; rights prior to July 1, 1902
- Section 747 - Public property transferred; "control" defined
- Section 748 - Conveyance by President to people of lands, buildings, etc
- Section 749 - Harbors and navigable waters transferred; definitions
- Section 750 - Repealed
- Section 751 - Interstate commerce and certain other laws inapplicable to Puerto Rico
- Section 752 - Corporate real estate holdings
- Section 753, 754 - Repealed
- Section 755 - Omitted