Ohio Rev. Code § 4771.10
The commission may require each registered athlete agent to complete not more than six hours of continuing education during a biennial registration in programs to be determined or approved by the commission. If the commission imposes continuing education requirements on athlete agents, not less than two of the six hours of continuing education shall be devoted to ethics.
A continuing education program shall promote the ability of an athlete agent to serve as an athlete agent in an ethical and legal manner. A continuing education program may address laws and rules governing athlete agents and rules and policies established by an athletic conference or a collegiate athletic organization. An athlete agent also may obtain credit for continuing education by participating in or attending lectures, courses at institutions of higher education, seminars, or rule-making or disciplinary proceedings approved by the commission, or by teaching a subject that pertains to the profession of an athlete agent.
If the commission requires athlete agents to fulfill continuing education requirements under this section, the commission shall adopt rules to carry out the purposes of this section. The rules shall contain procedures by which the commission shall monitor an athlete agent's compliance with the continuing education requirements prior to renewal of an athlete agent's certificate of registration.
R.C. §4771.10