Section 4771.09 - Issuing certificate of convenience(A) The Ohio athletic commission may issue an eligible person a certificate of convenience to conduct business as an athlete agent when a registered athlete agent is deceased, or declared incompetent or physically infirm by the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. The commission may issue a certificate of convenience upon either receiving approval to do so from a probate court or finding that the last will and testament of the athlete agent specifically authorizes the executor or administrator of estate to conduct the business of the athlete agent.(B) The following persons are eligible to obtain a certificate of convenience to conduct business on behalf of an athlete agent: (1) The executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased athlete agent;(2) The guardian of the estate of an athlete agent who has been declared incompetent or the conservator appointed to manage the estate of an athlete agent who has been declared physically infirm.(C) A certificate of convenience is valid for ninety days after the date it is issued. If the holder of a certificate of convenience applies for registration as an athlete agent, the commission may renew the certificate of convenience for a period of time the commission finds appropriate pending the commission's determination whether to issue a certificate of registration as an athlete agent to the holder of the certificate of convenience.Effective Date: 3/22/2001 .