Section 56:9-5 - Certain activities permitteda. This act shall not forbid the existence of trade and professional organizations created for the purpose of mutual help, and not having capital stock, nor forbid or restrain members of such organizations from lawfully carrying out the legitimate objects thereof not otherwise in violation of this act; nor shall those organizations or members per se be illegal combinations or conspiracies in restraint of trade under the provisions of this act.b. No provisions of this act shall be construed to make illegal:(1) The activities of any labor organization or of individual members thereof which are directed solely to labor objectives which are legitimate under the laws of either the State of New Jersey or the United States;(2) The activities of any agricultural or horticultural cooperative organization, whether incorporated or unincorporated, or of individual members thereof, which are directed solely to objectives of such cooperative organizations which are legitimate under the laws of either the State of New Jersey or the United States;(3) The activities of any public utility, as defined in R.S. 48:2-13 to the extent that such activities are subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Utilities, the Department of Transportation, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Department of Transportation or the Interstate Commerce Commission, except that this exemption, and that of subsection c. of this section, shall apply to the activities of any electric public utility or gas public utility or any related competitive business segment of an electric public utility or related competitive business segment of a gas public utility, or any public utility holding company or related competitive business segment of a public utility holding company as those terms are defined in section 3 of P.L. 1999, c. 23(C.48:3-51), only to the extent such activities are expressly required by and supervised pursuant to State regulation or are required by federal or State law;(4) The activities, including, but not limited to, the making of or participating in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance arrangements, of any insurer, insurance agent, insurance broker, independent insurance adjuster or rating organization to the extent that such activities are subject to regulation by the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance of this State under, or are permitted, or are authorized by, the "Department of Banking and Insurance Act of 1948," P.L. 1948, c.88 (C.17:1-1.1 et al.) and the "Department of Insurance Act of 1970," P.L. 1970, c.12 (C.17:1C-1 et seq.), provided, however, the provisions of this paragraph (4) shall not apply to private passenger automobile insurance business, except as provided in section 69 of P.L. 1990, c.8 (C.17:33B-31);(5) The bona fide religious and charitable activities of any not for profit corporation, trust or organization established exclusively for religious or charitable purposes, or for both purposes;(6) The activities engaged in by securities dealers, issuers or agents who are (I) a. licensed by the State of New Jersey under the "Uniform Securities Law (1967)," P.L. 1967, c.93 (C.49:3-47 et seq.); or (ii) members of the National Association of Securities Dealers, or (iii) members of any National Securities Exchange registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the "Securities Exchange Act of 1934," as amended, in the course of their business of offering, selling, buying and selling, or otherwise trading in or underwriting securities, as agent, broker, or principal, and activities of any National Securities Exchange so registered, including the establishment of commission rates and schedules of charges;(7) The activities of any State or national banking institution to the extent that such activities are regulated or supervised by officers of the State government under the "Department of Banking and Insurance Act of 1948," P.L. 1948, c.88 (C.17:1-1.1 et al.) or P.L. 1970, c.11 (C.17:1B-1 et seq.), or the federal government under the banking laws of the United States;(8) The activities of any state or federal savings and loan association to the extent that such activities are regulated or supervised by officers of the State government under the "Department of Banking and Insurance Act of 1948," P.L. 1948, c.88 (C.17:1-1.1 et al.) or P.L. 1970, c.11 (C.17:1B-1 et seq.), or the federal government under the banking laws of the United States;(9) The activities of any bona fide not for profit professional association, society or board, licensed and regulated by the courts or any other agency of this State, in recommending schedules of suggested fees, rates or commissions for use solely as guidelines in determining charges for professional and technical services; or(10) The activities permitted under the provisions of chapter 4 of Title 56 of the Revised Statutes, "An act to regulate the retail sale of motor fuels," P.L. 1938, c.163 (C.56:6-1 et seq.), the "Unfair Motor Fuels Practices Act," P.L. 1953, c.413 (C.56:6-19 et seq.) and the "Unfair Cigarette Sales Act of 1952," P.L. 1952, c.247 (C.56:7-18 et seq.).c. This act shall not apply to any activity directed, authorized or permitted by any law of this State that is in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of this act, and the enactment of this act shall not be deemed to repeal, either expressly or by implication, any such other law in effect on the date of its enactment.L.1970, c.73, s.5; amended 1990, c.8, s.70; 1994, c.188, s.2; 1999 c. 23, s. 61.