Section 56:9-4 - Monopolies; unlawful acquisitionsa. It shall be unlawful for any person to monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or to combine or conspire with any person or persons, to monopolize trade or commerce in any relevant market within this State.b. No corporation engaged in commerce shall acquire, directly or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock or other share capital of another corporation engaged also in commerce, where the effect of such acquisition may be to substantially lessen competition within this State between the corporation whose stock is so acquired and the corporation making the acquisition, or to restrain such commerce in any section or community of this State, or tend to create a monopoly of any line of commerce within this State.c. No corporation shall acquire, directly or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock or other share capital of two or more corporations engaged in commerce where the effect of such acquisition, or the use of such stock by the voting or granting of proxies or otherwise, may be to substantially lessen competition within this State between such corporations, or any of them, or to restrain such commerce in any section or community of this State, or tend to create a monopoly of any line of commerce within this State.d. This section shall not apply to corporations purchasing such stock solely for investment and not using the same by voting or otherwise to bring about, or in attempting to bring about, the substantial lessening of competition. Nor shall anything contained in this section prevent a corporation engaged in commerce from causing the formation of subsidiary corporations for the actual carrying on of their immediate lawful business, or the natural and legitimate branches or extensions thereof, or from owning and holding all or a part of the stock of such subsidiary corporations, when the effect of such formation is not to substantially lessen competition.e. Nothing contained in this section shall be held to affect or impair any right heretofore legally acquired.L.1970, c.73, s.4, eff. 5/21/1970.