Section 40:41A-37 - Powers of county executiveThe county executive:
a. Shall supervise, direct and control all county administrative departments;b. With the advice and consent of the board, shall appoint the county counsel, the administrator, the heads of all departments and any divisions created within such departments, and the members of all county boards, commissions and authorities;c. May, at his discretion, remove or suspend any official in the unclassified service of the county over whose office the county executive has power of appointment in accordance with the provisions of section 87b.;d. May, at his discretion, but subject to any pertinent provisions of the administrative code or civil service requirements, delegate to department heads powers of appointment and removal of their departmental employees. If the county executive does not so delegate his power he may appoint and remove, subject to civil service requirements, all employees whose positions have been created in accordance with the administrative code, and the manner of whose appointment is not specified elsewhere in this article;e. May require reports and examine the accounts, records and operations of any agency of county government;f. May at his discretion order any agency under his jurisdiction as specified in the administrative code to undertake any task for any other agency on a temporary basis if he deems it necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the county government to do so;g. Shall approve each ordinance of the board by signing it, or may veto any ordinance by returning it to the clerk of the board within 10 days of passage with a written statement of his objections to the ordinance. If two-thirds of the full membership of the board, upon reconsideration of the measure, shall vote for it, the executive's veto shall be overridden and the ordinance shall become law without the executive's signature in accordance with the provisions of law;h. Shall review and approve or veto, within 10 days of delivery to him, except as otherwise provided herein, all or part of the minutes of every meeting of a county authority organized pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1946, c.138 (C.40:14A-1 et seq.), P.L. 1957, c.183 (C.40:14B-1 et seq.) or P.L. 1960, c.183 (C.40:37A-44 et seq.). If, within the 10-day period, the county executive returns to the authority and to the board of freeholders the copy of the minutes with a veto of any action taken by the authority or any member thereof at a meeting, together with a written explanation of the reasons for his veto of the action, that action shall be of no effect unless the board of freeholders overrides the veto of the action by a majority vote of its full membership within 10 days of the receipt of the veto action. The county executive may approve all or any part of an action taken at a meeting prior to the expiration of the 10-day period. If the county executive takes no action with respect to the minutes within the 10-day period, the minutes shall be deemed to be approved. The veto powers accorded under this subsection shall not affect in any way the covenants contained in the bond indentures of the authority, or any collective bargaining agreement or binding arbitration decisions affecting employees of the authority. No resolution or other action of the authority providing for the issuance or refunding of bonds or other financial obligations shall be adopted or otherwise made effective by the authority without the prior approval in writing of the county executive. This power shall be exercised with due regard for the rights of the holders of bonds of the authority at any time outstanding, and nothing in, or done pursuant to, this subsection shall in any way limit, restrict or alter the obligation or powers of the authority or any representative or officer of the authority to carry out and perform in every detail each and every covenant, agreement or contract at any time made or entered into by or on behalf of the authority with respect to its bonds or for the benefit, protection or security of the holders thereof.
If two-thirds or more of the members of an authority make a determination that an action taken at a meeting is in response to an emergency situation, a copy of the minutes of that meeting shall be delivered to the county executive as soon as practicable following the meeting and the county executive shall have up to 24 hours after the copy of the minutes has been delivered to approve or veto the minutes of that meeting. If the county executive takes no action with respect to the minutes within the 24-hour period, the minutes shall be deemed approved. If, within the 24-hour period, the county executive returns to the authority and to the board of freeholders the copy of the minutes with a veto of any action taken by the authority or any member thereof at the meeting, together with a written explanation of the reasons for his veto of the action, that action shall be of no effect unless the board of freeholders overrides the veto of the action by a majority vote of its full membership within 48 hours of the receipt of the veto action.
L.1972, c.154, s.37; amended 1975, c.84, s.12; 1975, c.257, s.1; 1978, c.141, s.2; 1995, c.91, s.1.