Section 40:41A-36 - DutiesThe executive power of the county shall be exercised by the county executive. He shall:
a. Report annually to the board of freeholders and to the people on the state of the county, and the work of the previous year; he shall also recommend to the board whatever action or programs he deems necessary for the improvement of the county and the welfare of its residents. He may from time to time at his discretion recommend any course of action or programs he deems necessary or desirable for the county to undertake;b. Prepare and submit to the board for its consideration and adoption an annual operating budget and a capital budget, establish the schedules and procedures to be followed by all county departments, offices and agencies in connection therewith, and supervise and administer all phases of the budgetary process;c. Enforce the county charter, the county's laws and all general laws applicable thereto;d. Supervise the care and custody of all county property, institutions and agencies;e. Supervise the collection of revenues, audit and control all disbursements and expenditures and prepare a complete account of all expenditures;f. Sign all contracts, bonds or other instruments requiring the consent of the county;g. Review, analyze and forecast trends of county services and finances and programs of all boards, commissions, agencies and other county bodies, and report and recommend thereon to the board;h. Develop, install and maintain centralized budgeting, personnel and purchasing procedures as may be authorized by the administrative code;i. Negotiate contracts for the county subject to board approval; make recommendations concerning the nature and location of county improvements and execute improvements determined by the board;j. Assure that all terms and conditions, imposed in favor of the county or its inhabitants in any statute, franchise or other contract, are faithfully kept and performed;k. Serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member of all appointive bodies in county government.L.1972, c.154, s.36, eff. 9/19/1972; amended by L.1975, c.84, s.11, eff. 5/5/1975.