N.J. Stat. § 30:4C-59
Each board shall provide written notice of the date, time and place of each review at least 15 days in advance to the following, each of whom shall be entitled to attend the review and to submit information in writing to the board:
If the child's caretaker is a resource family parent or relative, the caretaker shall receive written notice of, and shall have a right to be heard at, the review, but the caretaker shall not be made a party to the review solely on the basis of the notice and right to be heard.
The board may determine who may be in attendance at any particular portion of its meeting. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to exclude judges and court support staff from attending review board meetings.
The written notice shall inform the person of his right to attend the review and to submit written information and shall be prepared in a manner which will encourage the person's attendance at the review.
Notice to the child may be waived by the court on a case by case basis either on its own motion or on the petition of any of the above persons in cases where the court determines that notice would be harmful to the child. A waiver of notice to the child shall not waive the notice requirement to counsel for the child or other representatives of the child.
The review board may seek information from any agency which has been involved with the child, parents or legal guardian or temporary caretaker. If the agency fails to provide the requested information, the court may, upon the request of the board, issue a subpena to the agency for the information.
The board shall conduct a review and make recommendations based upon the written materials; provided, however, that the board shall afford any party or person entitled to notice pursuant to this section a reasonable opportunity to appear and to present his views and recommendations. Upon the request of the board, the Family Part of the Chancery Division of the Superior Court may subpena a person to attend the review board meeting.
A designated agency shall provide relevant and necessary information to the board regarding a child who is reviewed by the board.
N.J.S. § 30:4C-59