N.J. Stat. § 30:4C-58.1
When a child is placed in a home for the purpose of adoption, the division shall notify the family part of the Chancery Division of the Superior Court in the child's county of supervision in writing of the placement. Upon receipt of the notice, the board shall not schedule further reviews of the case unless:
The division shall send the court and the board a status report on the case every four months. When a complaint for adoption has been filed, the division shall inform the court and no further board reviews shall be held while that action is pending.
When a judgment of adoption has been entered the court shall dismiss the complaint pursuant to section 4 of P.L. 1977, c. 424 (C. 30:4C-53).
If a child is placed in an adoptive home prior to the completion of the initial court review, the court shall retain jurisdiction to complete the review.
N.J.S. § 30:4C-58.1