Mich. Comp. Laws § 712A.9
The judge of probate in each county may appoint 1 or more suitable persons of good character and qualified training or experience, other than the county agent or assistants, to act as probation officer, who shall receive such compensation as the board of supervisors may appropriate for that purpose, and who, at the discretion of the judge, may be authorized and empowered to perform county agent duties.
The judge of probate may also appoint other probation officers who shall receive no compensation from the county treasury for the duties performed under such appointment.
It shall be the duty of the judge of probate to notify the state department of social welfare of the appointment of all paid probation officers made by him under the provisions of this chapter. All probation officers shall hold office during the pleasure of the court and shall report to the said court upon all cases under their care.
MCL 712A.9