Mich. Comp. Laws § 712A.8
The office of county agent is created. The county agent is an officer of the court and under the general supervision of the judges of the court and shall serve at their pleasure. The county agent shall organize, direct and develop the juvenile welfare work of the court as authorized by the judge. When requested by the superintendent or director, the county agent shall supervise juveniles released from public institutions or agencies and may perform other juvenile welfare work as requested and with the approval of the judge, including services to school-age juveniles of the various school districts within the county, after consultation and agreement with the county school commissioner and the superintendents of schools in a county. With the judge's approval, the county agent or his or her assistants shall investigate and report on juveniles or families within the county as requested by the family independence agency, the county juvenile agency, or the superintendent of any state institution regarding the welfare of any juvenile. Assistant county agents shall perform the duties assigned to them by the county agent.
MCL 712A.8