P.R. Laws tit. 2, § 1003
In addition to any other responsibility, duty, power or authority conferred by virtue of regulations and/or law or subsequently conferred by any other analogous laws, the Capitol Police shall have the following powers and responsibilities within the Capitol District:
(a) Observe and enforce the law, protect the life and property of citizens, see over the safety and public order, prevent the commission of criminal acts, and pursue any offenses committed in their presence and those assigned thereto by means of information or belief, in coordination with the State Police. The Capitol Police shall also have all the powers and duties of public officials, as provided by the Puerto Rico Police Act.
(b) Compel observance of the laws and regulations of the Government of Puerto Rico within its territorial jurisdiction.
(c) Provide adequate protection and security to the property of the Legislative Assembly, its buildings, offices, and departments.
(d) Provide assistance and support to the Sergeants-at-Arms of the Senate and the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico in carrying out any of the duties conferred onto these officials by regulations, including, but not limited to:
(1) Executing orders of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and their respective Presiding Officers, pursuant to the rules of each House.
(2) Serving summonses, call notices, and reminders.
(3) Promoting security and order within the premises of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico.
(4) Providing security and protection or other remedies authorized or directed by the Presiding Officers of both Legislative Houses in accordance with the rules of each legislative body.
(5) Observing the provisions regarding access to halls of sessions, galleries, and hallways of each House.
(e) Provide due protection to the officials of the Legislative Assembly and the public assembled in the official activities of the Legislative Assembly, as well as the public participating in recreational, social, civic, and religious events held at the Capitol District and maintain order in such events. In the case of demonstrations, protests, or any other similar activity carried out within the Capitol District, these shall always be coordinated with the Puerto Rico Police.
(f) Seek full protection of the civil rights of the members, employees, and officials of the Legislative Assembly, as well as of any citizen visiting or participating in recreational, social, civic, and religious events held within the Capitol District.
(g) Organize, regulate, and coordinate with the State Police access to the location and organization of the different activities and/or demonstrations held within the Capitol District.
(h) In coordination with the State and San Juan Municipal Police, direct traffic in the streets comprised within the Capitol District. Notwithstanding the provisions of the aforementioned Puerto Rico Vehicles and Traffic Act, §§ 5001 et seq. of Title 9, and/or the regulations adopted thereunder, or the indications of traffic signals and signs, any member of the Capitol Police, in his/her judgment and if necessary, may vary the same or block or divert traffic to clear out traffic congestion, and every motor vehicle driver or pedestrian shall be obliged to observe such order or signal. No person may, voluntarily, disobey or refuse to comply with an indication or lawful order issued as provided in this chapter by a member of the Capitol Police with legal authority to direct, control or regulate traffic.
(i) Watch over parking areas.
(j) Administer and keep custody, in coordination with and under the supervision of the Board of Directors of the Capitol Police, of the electronic monitoring systems of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico, including, but not limited to: metal detectors, cameras, digital recording systems, and radio communication systems.
(k) Draft and administer, in coordination with the Office of the Superintendent of the Capitol, the security plans of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico.
History —Mar. 30, 2011, No. 42, § 4.