P.R. Laws tit. 2, § 1002
For purposes of this chapter, the following terms and phrases shall have the meaning state hereinbelow:
(a) Colonel.— As defined in §§ 3101 et seq. of Title 25, known as the “Puerto Rico Police Act”.
(b) Corps.— Means the Puerto Rico Capitol Police, attached to the Puerto Rico Police whose creation is authorized by virtue of this chapter. The terms Policía Capitolina and Capitol Police may be used interchangeably.
(c) Capitol District.— Means the territorial delimitation set by law in which the Capitol Building and all other structures comprising the Legislative Assembly are located.
(d) Member or Members of the Corps.— Means the personnel entrusted with carrying out directly the tasks geared toward maintaining order and protecting the life and property of the officials, employees, citizens, and tourists that visit and work at the Capitol District, as well as others assigned to the Corps by virtue of this chapter or the regulations promulgated thereunder.
(e) Puerto Rico State Police.— The civilian police created under §§ 3101 et seq. of Title 25. It is also known as the “Puerto Rico Police”.
(f) Municipal Police.— The civilian police created under §§ 1061 et seq. of Title 21.
(g) Speaker of the House.— The Speaker of the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico.
(h) President of the Senate.— The President of the Senate of Puerto Rico.
(i) Legislative Branch.— The Legislative Branch, as created by Article III of the Constitution of Puerto Rico.
(j) Office of the Superintendent of the Capitol.— The agency that would be in charge of ensuring the preservation of the Capitol complex under the direction of a Superintendent appointed by agreement between the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as created through § 651 et seq. of Title 2.
(k) Superintendent.— The Chief of the Puerto Rico Police.
History —Mar. 30, 2011, No. 42, § 3.