Kan. Stat. § 80-1103
If any township so disorganized shall at the time of its disorganization have any indebtedness, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of the county to provide for the payment of such outstanding indebtedness by making a levy of taxes therefor upon all real and personal property in the territory comprising such disorganized township at the time of its disorganization, which tax shall be entered by the clerk of the county on the tax roll the same as other taxes. No such levy shall exceed ten mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation in any one year; that the county treasurer shall keep the money collected from such township in a special fund, and the county commissioners are authorized to audit the floating indebtedness of said disorganized township, and issue warrants upon the funds thus provided in payment of said floating indebtedness.
K.S.A. 80-1103