Kan. Stat. § 80-1102a
If any such township so disorganized shall at the time of its disorganization have any indebtedness, the board of county commissioners shall provide for the payment thereof in the manner provided in K.S.A. 80-1103 and 80-1104, and amendments thereto. If such township has any bonded indebtedness the obligation shall remain a charge upon the territory of the disorganized township in accordance with the applicable provisions of K.S.A. 10-119, and amendments thereto. The effective date of such township disorganization, the provisions for the naming of townships, the determination of boundaries and polling places, the transfer of records, funds and property other than funds to pay indebtedness shall be determined as provided by the provisions of K.S.A. 80-1101a, and amendments thereto.
Any road construction and maintenance agreement which had been entered into between the township to be disorganized and the county under K.S.A. 68-572, and amendments thereto, shall terminate when money and equipment belonging to the disorganized township are delivered to the county.
K.S.A. 80-1102a