Section 67-5761A - MENTAL HEALTH PARITY IN STATE GROUP INSURANCE(1) It is the policy of the state of Idaho that state employees and their spouses with serious mental illnesses and state employees whose children have been diagnosed with serious emotional disturbances must not be discriminated against in group health care service coverages. Such coverages must provide for the treatment of serious mental illnesses and serious emotional disturbances in a manner that is equitable and commensurate with that provided for other major physical illnesses.(2) For the purposes of this section: (a) "Serious mental illness" means any of the following psychiatric illnesses as defined by the American psychiatric association in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV-TR):(ii) Paranoia and other psychotic disorders;(iii) Bipolar disorders (mixed, manic and depressive);(iv) Major depressive disorders (single episode or recurrent);(v) Schizoaffective disorders (bipolar or depressive);(vi) Panic disorders; and(vii) Obsessive-compulsive disorders.(b) "Serious emotional disturbance" means "serious emotional disturbance" as defined in section 16-2403, Idaho Code.(3) To be considered nondiscriminatory and equitable under this section, group health care service coverage shall provide benefits and cover services that are essential to the effective treatment of serious mental illnesses and serious emotional disturbances in a manner that: (a) Is not more restrictive or more generous than benefits and coverages provided for other major illnesses;(b) Provides clinical care, but does not require partial care, of serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbance; and(c) Is consistent with effective and common methods of controlling health care costs for other major illnesses.[67-5761A, added 2006, ch. 97, sec. 2, p. 272.]