Section 67-5761 - POWERS AND DUTIES - GROUP INSURANCE(1) The director of the department of administration shall:(a) Establish an advisory committee to be comprised of program participants from the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government. The advisory committee shall include one (1) active employee representative, one (1) retired employee representative, and one (1) representative from an Idaho school district that is participating in the group insurance plan. The director shall consult with the advisory committee in the performance of those duties as enumerated in subsection (2) of this section.(b) Determine the eligibility of active personnel, retired personnel and dependents of such active and retired personnel for participation in any group plans.(c) Determine the nature and extent of needs for group life insurance, group annuities, group disability insurance, and group health care service coverages with respect to personnel, including elected or appointed officers and employees, of all offices, departments, divisions, boards, commissions, institutions, agencies and operations of the government of the state of Idaho and retired personnel, the premiums or prepayments for which are payable in whole or in part from funds of the state. Disability insurance includes all personal accident, health, hospital, surgical, and medical coverages, and health care service includes all services rendered for maintenance of good health and diagnosis, relief, or treatment of any injury, ailment, or bodily condition.(d) Determine the types, terms, conditions, and amounts of group insurance, group annuities, or group coverage by health care service organizations, as the case may be, required by such needs.(e) Negotiate, contract for, and have placed or continued in effect all such insurance and coverages as may reasonably be obtainable from insurers and health care service organizations, as the case may be, duly authorized to transact such business in this state. The director may negotiate deductibles to any group plan or coverage. Alternatively, the director may self-insure any insurance or coverage and may contract with any insurance company or third-party administrator duly authorized to transact business in this state or administer such plan.(f) Prepare or otherwise obtain and make available to all personnel affected thereby printed information concerning all such group plans currently in effect, together with the rules governing eligibility, payment of premium or prepayment where applicable, claims procedures, and other matters designed to facilitate utilization and administration of such plans.(g) Administer all such group plans on behalf of the insured, including but not limited to:(i) Enrollment and reporting to the insurer or health care service organization of individuals eligible for coverage and covered under particular policies or contracts, and termination of such enrollment upon termination of eligibility;(ii) Collection or payment of premiums or prepayments for such coverage, policies, and contracts and accounting for the same;(iii) Establishment of reasonable procedures for handling claims arising under such coverage, policies, and contracts and rendering assistance to claimants as may be required in the presentation and consideration of claims;(iv) Effectuation of changes in such coverage, policies, and contracts and renewal or termination thereof; and(v) Making and settlement of claims.(2) The director shall formulate and negotiate a plan or plans of health care service coverage that include eligible active personnel and their dependents in consultation with the advisory committee.(3) The director shall formulate and negotiate a plan or plans of health care service coverage that include eligible retired personnel and dependents. Such plan or plans will be pooled for rating purposes with the plan or plans provided for in subsection (2) of this section. (a) Beginning July 1, 2009, the state shall pay one hundred fifty-five dollars ($155) per eligible retired personnel per month toward such health care service coverage, subject to the conditions of paragraph (b) of this subsection. Retired personnel shall be responsible for paying the balance of the monthly premium for any plan of health care service coverage provided pursuant to this section.(b) Beginning January 1, 2010, retired personnel health care service coverage shall not be available to any retired personnel or dependent who is or becomes eligible for medicare. Dependent spouses of such medicare-eligible retired personnel who are not themselves medicare-eligible may remain on health care service coverage until they become eligible for medicare.(c) Any person who is eligible for health care service coverage as a retired person prior to June 30, 2009, remains eligible for coverage subject to the conditions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection.(d) Personnel, including elected or appointed officers and employees, of all offices, departments, divisions, boards, commissions, agencies and operations of the government of the state of Idaho who begin service or employment after June 30, 2009, shall not be provided or be eligible for any retired personnel health care service coverage unless such personnel have credited state service of at least twenty thousand eight hundred (20,800) hours before June 30, 2009, and, subsequent to reemployment, election, or reappointment on or after July 1, 2009, accumulate an additional six thousand two hundred forty (6,240) continuous hours of credited state service, and are otherwise eligible for coverage.(e) Nothing in this subsection prohibits an active employee who retires from state service on or after July 1, 2009, from being eligible for health care service coverage, provided that he or she is drawing a state retirement benefit and meets eligibility requirements of the health care service coverage.(f) The Idaho department of administration shall assist medicare-eligible retirees in transitioning to a medicare supplement plan in accordance with procedures established by the advisory committee.(4) Nothing contained herein and no coverage, policy, or contract that provides coverage or benefits for active personnel, dependents of personnel, or retired personnel shall create any vested right or benefit for any such individual in group insurance coverage.[(67-5761) 1974, ch. 253, sec. 2, p. 1656; am. 1980, ch. 106, redesignated sec. 67-5761, I.C., sec. 10, p. 235; am. 1983, ch. 148, sec. 1, p. 401; am. 1986, ch. 150, sec. 1, p. 435; am. 1988, ch 292, sec. 1, p. 930; am. 1990, ch. 117, sec. 1, p. 263; am. 1993, ch. 221, sec. 8, p. 751; am. 1998, ch. 185, sec. 1, p. 678; am. 2009, ch. 164, sec. 2, p. 493.]Amended by 2023 Session Laws, ch. 76,sec. 1, eff. 7/1/2023.