Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-462b
Not later than July 1, 2018, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection, in consultation with the Commissioner of Consumer Protection, shall convene a working group of representatives of the apparel industry and the environmental community for the purpose of developing a consumer awareness and education program concerning the presence of synthetic microfiber pollution. Such program shall include, but not be limited to, consumer oriented information that explains the process by which such microfibers are shed from clothing and are dispersed in the state's waterways, best practices for consumers to eliminate and reduce the disbursement of microfibers from clothing into the waterways of the state and information on efforts that members of the apparel industry, including, but not limited to, brand labels, are undertaking to reduce or eliminate microfibers in clothing. The working group shall include, but not be limited to, a representative of each of the following organizations:
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-462b
( P.A. 18-181, S. 6.)