Section 22a-462a - Microbead prohibitions. Regulations. Study. Penalty(a) For the purposes of this section: (1) "Over-the-counter drug" means any drug that is a personal care product that contains a label that identifies such product as a drug, as required by 21 CFR 201.66, as amended from time to time;(2) "Personal care product" means any (A) article intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled, sprayed on, introduced into or otherwise applied to the human body or any part thereof for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness or altering the appearance of, (B) article intended for use as a component of any such article described in subparagraph (A) of this subdivision, or (C) over-the-counter drug. "Personal care product" does not include any product for which a prescription is required for distribution or dispensation, as determined by the Commissioner of Consumer Protection; and(3) "Microbead" means any intentionally added synthetic solid plastic particle measured to be five millimeters or less in size that is used to exfoliate or cleanse and is intended to be rinsed off or washed off the body and consequently deposited into a sink, shower or bathtub drain.(b) On and after December 31, 2017, no person shall manufacture for sale any personal care product, except for an over-the-counter drug, that contains any intentionally added microbead.(c) On and after December 31, 2018, no person shall import, sell or offer for sale any personal care product, except for an over-the-counter drug, that contains any intentionally added microbead.(d) On and after December 31, 2018, no person shall manufacture for sale any over-the-counter drug that contains an intentionally added microbead.(e) On and after December 31, 2019, no person shall import, sell or offer for sale any over-the-counter drug that contains any intentionally added microbead.(f) The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection, in consultation with the Commissioner of Consumer Protection, may adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, to implement the provisions of this section.(g)(1) On or before August 15, 2016, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection shall accept an application on behalf of a manufacturer of a personal care product for the performance of a study, at the request of said commissioner, by the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering to determine if a biodegradable microbead is available for use in such personal care product that does not adversely impact the environment or publicly-owned treatment works in this state. Any such application shall require the manufacturer of such biodegradable microbead to disclose the chemical constituents or composition of such microbead. Upon receipt of any such application, in a format as prescribed by the commissioner, the commissioner shall request the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering to perform such study. Said academy may establish a fee for the performance of such study and such fee shall be remitted by the applicant to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Upon receipt of such request and such fee from the commissioner, said academy shall commence such study. Such study shall, at a minimum, consist of: (A) A study committee appointed by said academy to oversee such study, (B) the use of an academy-selected research team with expertise in matters relating to biodegradable microbeads to conduct relevant research for such study, including, but not limited to, the fate and transport of microbeads, and author a study report, and (C) study committee meetings that afford the opportunity for such applicant, department and interested persons to obtain information concerning the study's process. The academy shall complete any such study and issue a final study report for such study to the commissioner not later than December 15, 2017. Upon receipt of such final study report, the commissioner shall review such final study report and, not later than February 1, 2018, forward such final study report and any recommendations of said academy for legislation concerning the use of biodegradable microbeads in personal care products to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to the environment.(2) Any information or materials submitted by an applicant to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection or the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering in connection with the performance of the study described in subdivision (1) of this subsection shall not be subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 14 provided such applicant indicates to the department or academy, at the time of submission, information or materials that such applicant deems a trade secret or privileged in any manner.(3) In the event that the study described in subdivision (1) of this subsection is not completed on or before December 15, 2017, the manufacturing, selling, importing or offering for sale of any personal care product that contains an intentionally added biodegradable microbead shall be prohibited on and after July 1, 2018.(h) Any person who violates any of the provisions of subsections (b) to (e), inclusive, of this section or any regulation adopted pursuant to subsection (f) of this section shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars for the first violation and not more than ten thousand dollars for any subsequent violation.Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-462a
( June Sp. Sess. P.A. 15-5, S. 50; P.A. 16-89, S. 4.)
Amended by P.A. 16-0089, S. 4 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2016 Regular Session, eff. 6/1/2016.Added by P.A. 15-0005, S. 50 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2015 Special Session, eff. 7/6/2015.