Section 59-156-150 - Duties of Department of Education, Read to Succeed Office, and Office of First Steps to School ReadinessThe Department of Education, the Read to Succeed Office, and the Office of First Steps to School Readiness shall:
(1) develop the provider application form;(2) develop the child enrollment application form;(3) develop a list of approved research-based preschool curricula for use in the program based upon the South Carolina Content Standards, and provide training and technical assistance to support its effective use in approved classrooms serving children;(4) develop a list of approved prekindergarten readiness assessments to be used in conjunction with the program, and provide assessments and technical assistance to support assessment administration in approved classrooms serving children;(5) establish criteria for awarding new classroom equipping grants;(6) establish criteria for the parenting education program providers must offer;(7) establish a list of early childhood related fields that may be used in meeting the lead teacher qualifications;(8) develop a list of data-collection needs to be used in implementation and evaluation of the program;(9) identify teacher preparation program options and assist lead teachers in meeting teacher program requirements;(10) establish criteria for granting student retention waivers; and(11) establish criteria for granting classroom-size requirements waivers.Added by 2014 S.C. Acts, Act No. 284 (SB 516), s 2, eff. 6/11/2014.