Section 59-156-140 - Application for school providers(A) Public school providers participating in the South Carolina Child Early Reading Development and Education Program must submit an application to the Department of Education. Private providers participating in the South Carolina Child Early Reading Development and Education Program must submit an application to the Office of First Steps. The application must be submitted on the forms prescribed, contain assurances that the provider meets all program criteria set forth in this section, and will comply with all reporting and assessment requirements.(B) Providers shall: (1) comply with all federal and state laws and constitutional provisions prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services;(2) comply with all state and local health and safety laws and codes;(3) comply with all state laws that apply regarding criminal background checks for employees and exclude from employment any individual not permitted by state law to work with children;(4) be accountable for meeting the educational needs of the child and report at least quarterly to the parent or guardian on his progress;(5) comply with all program, reporting, and assessment criteria required of providers;(6) maintain individual student records for each child enrolled in the program, including, but not limited to, assessment data, health data, records of teacher observations, and records of parent or guardian and teacher conferences;(7) designate whether extended day services will be offered to the parents and guardians of children participating in the program;(8) be approved, registered, or licensed by the Department of Social Services; and(9) comply with all state and federal laws and requirements specific to program providers.(C) Providers may limit student enrollment based upon space available, but, if enrollment exceeds available space, providers shall enroll children with first priority given to children with the lowest scores on an approved prekindergarten readiness assessment. Private providers must not be required to expand their programs to accommodate all children desiring enrollment, but are encouraged to keep a waiting list for students they are unable to serve because of space limitations.Added by 2014 S.C. Acts, Act No. 284 (SB 516), s 2, eff. 6/11/2014.