Section 44.81.350 - DefinitionsIn this chapter,
(1) "bank" means the Alaska Commercial Fishing and Agriculture Bank;(2) "commercial agriculture" includes commercially related activity in connection with producing, harvesting, processing, or marketing an agricultural, maricultural, or horticultural commodity, including the breeding, raising, shearing, feeding, caring for, training, and management of livestock, bees, poultry, shellfish, and fur-bearing animals and wildlife, and the planting, cultivating, caring for, harvesting, or processing of forest products on a sustained yield basis;(3) "commission" means the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission under AS 16.43.020;(4) "member of the bank" includes (A) a holder of a share of membership stock of the bank; or(B) a patron of the bank with retained patronage earnings, or other form of capital ownership in the bank, of $2,500 or more to the patron's credit;(5) "natural resources" includes water, coal or other minerals, oil or gas, and geothermal systems; in this paragraph, (A) "coal" means all forms of coal, including lignite;(B) "gas" includes all natural gas and all hydrocarbons produced at the wellhead that are not oil;(C) "geothermal system" means a stratum, pool, reservoir, or other geologic formation containing geothermal resources;(D) "oil" includes crude petroleum oil and other hydrocarbons regardless of gravity that are produced at the wellhead in liquid form and the liquid hydrocarbons known as distillate or condensate recovered or extracted from gas, other than gas produced in association with oil and commonly known as casinghead gas;(E) "other minerals" means clay, stone, sand, gravel, metalliferous and non-metalliferous ores, and other solid materials or substances of commercial value excavated in solid form from natural deposits on or in the earth; "other minerals" does not include coal or minerals that occur naturally in liquid or gaseous forms;(6) "permit" means a limited entry permit issued under AS 16.43;(7) "resident farmer" means a person who is a resident of the state and who is engaged in commercial agriculture in the state;(8) "resident fisher" means a person who is a resident of the state and who is engaged in commercial fishing in the state;(9) "supplier" means a person whose main source of income is from providing goods or services that are directly related to commercial fishing or agriculture to individuals, corporations, partnerships, or joint ventures engaged in commercial fishing or agriculture;(10) "tourism" means the provision or presentation of goods, supplies, equipment, food and food stuffs, accommodations, entertainment, cultural practices and attractions, natural resource access, or transportation for Alaska tourists;(11) "water" has the meaning given in AS 46.15.260.