Alaska Stat. § 44.81.300
The bank may revoke a distribution of net proceeds by the bank or a redemption of or payment based upon an allocation of proceeds or upon capital stock issued by the bank if the distribution, redemption, or payment remains unclaimed six years after the date authorized for payment, redemption, or retirement. The amount revoked may revert to an unallocated capital account of the bank if, at least six months before the declared date of revocation, the bank has mailed to the last known address of the person shown by the bank's records to be entitled to the amount a notice that the payment is available to the person; if the address is unknown, the bank shall publish the notice as provided by law for the publication of a summons. A distribution, redemption, or payment subject to this section is not subject to AS 34.45.110 - 34.45.780.
AS 44.81.300