Rule 17 - Bail And Suspension Of Execution Of Sentence In Criminal CasesWhen a party files an application for release on bail and suspension of execution of sentence pursuant to App.R. 8(B), a memorandum in support shall be filed with the application in this court. In any case where the conviction from which the appeal is taken is rendered on a no contest or guilty plea, the defendant shall also accompany his application with a listing of the assignments of error he intends to assert on his appeal. The party's memorandum shall also contain, but is not limited to, the following information, which shall be supported by the papers, affidavits, and portions of the record referred to in App.R. 8(B):
(1) confirmation that the motion for release on bail was denied by the trial court,(2) a statement of the offense for which the party was found guilty and the sentence imposed by the trial court,(3) a listing of the party's prior convictions, if any, and if there are none, a statement to that effect,(4) a listing of current charges pending against the party, if any, and if there are none, a statement to that effect,(5) a statement as to whether the party is currently employed, the name of the party's employer and for how long the party has been employed,(6) a statement of the amount of bail the party is requesting and in what manner the bail will be secured, and(7) a statement of defendant's family or other community ties. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the automatic denial of the application.Effective 7/1/2000; amended 7/1/2006; amended 3/1/2010; amended 5/1/2021.