Ohio Loc. App. R. 16
Requests for permission for broadcasting, televising, recording, or taking photographs in the courtroom must be submitted to the court administrator, in writing, on the designated form, at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of commencement of the proceeding.
The judge presiding at the hearing or oral argument, or in that judge's absence any member of the panel, shall grant the request for broadcasting, televising, recording or taking photographs in court proceedings open to the public, if the judge determines that to do so would not distract the participants, or impair the dignity of, or otherwise materially interfere with, the proceedings. The request for permission and the allowance of the request must be in writing and made a part of the record of the proceedings.
The court administrator shall specify the place or places in the courtroom where the operators and equipment are to be positioned. The equipment and operators are limited to the following:
Filming, videotaping, recording, or taking photographs of victims or witnesses, who object is not permitted.
All pooling arrangements are the responsibility of the media representatives. Such arrangements must be made without involving the court. If any disputes arise, the judge may exclude all disputing media representatives.
Upon the failure of any media representative to comply with the conditions prescribed by the judge, the judge may revoke the permission to broadcast, televise, record, or photograph the hearing or oral argument.
Permission under this rule will only be granted to media.
Ohio. Loc. App. R. 16