Rule 22-613 - Rights of parties to hearingA.Rights specified. A certified court reporter or court monitor shall have the right to be represented by an attorney at any hearing or conference conducted by the board. Any party shall have the right to present evidence by means of witnesses and books, papers, documents and other evidence; to examine all opposing witnesses who appear on any matter relevant to the issues; and where necessary, to timely request subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum be issued by the board chair to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books, papers, documents and other evidence, upon making written request therefor to the board. All notices of hearings issued pursuant to these rules shall contain a statement of these rights. The party requesting a subpoena shall pay all costs of service of the subpoena, including witness fees.B.Discovery; witnesses and documents. Upon written request to another party, any party is entitled to:(1) obtain the names, addresses and a summary of anticipated testimony of witnesses who will or may be called by the other party to testify at the hearing; and(2) inspect and copy any documents or items which the other party will or may introduce in evidence at the hearing.C.Time for compliance. The party to whom a request is made pursuant to Paragraph B of this rule shall comply with it within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the request. All such requests must be complied with at least ten (10) days before the hearing. For good cause shown, the time for compliance may be shortened.N.M. R. Rcdg. Jud. Proc. 22-613
Adopted, effective 1/1/1983; as amended, effective 2/16/2004. ANNOTATIONS The 2003 amendment,effective February 16, 2004, in Paragraph A substituted "court" for "tape" preceding "monitor" in the first sentence, "board chair" for "president of the board" in the second sentence, and "service of the subpoena, including witness fees" for "the issuance and, service of the subpoena" in the last sentence, and substituted "addresses and a summary of anticipated testimony" for "and addresses" in Subparagraph (1) of Paragraph B.