U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Quality Criteria for Water. EPA-440/5-86/001. U.S. EPA, 1986.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Ambient Water Quality Criteria Documents, 1980, and subsequent revisions. U.S. EPA, 1980.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms and their Uses. U.S. EPA, 1985.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Technical Support Manual: Waterbody Surveys and Assessments for Conducting Use Attainability Analyses. U.S. EPA, 1983.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocation, Book VI, Chapter 1: Stream Design Flow for Steady-State Modeling. U.S. EPA, 1986.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Technical Support Document for Water Quality Based Toxics Control. U.S. EPA, 1985.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms. EPA-600/4-85/013. U.S. EPA, 1985.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms, Second Edition. EPA-600/4-89/001. U.S. EPA, 1989.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Water Quality Standards Handbook, Second Edition, EPA 823-B-94-005a, August 1994, with Appendices.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Aquatic Life Ambient Freshwater Quality Criteria-Copper. EPA-822-R-07-001. U.S. EPA, 2007.
Amended, Eff. 4/24/2018.