Section 462 - EMISSION OF SULFUR COMPOUNDS462.1 It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit the emission of air contaminants from any equipment if the air contaminants emitted as measured in the stack contain sulfur compounds calculated as sulfur dioxide, of more than one thousand (1,000) parts per million (2.62 mg/m3), averaged for a sixty consecutive minute period, except as otherwise provided by a specific emission restriction adopted by the NWCAA and/or the DOE. For the purpose of this section, all sulfur present in gaseous compounds containing oxygen shall be deemed present as sulfur dioxide.462.2 Emissions of sulfur compounds calculated to be in excess of 1,000 parts per million (2.62 mg/m3) at any emission point, averaged for a sixty consecutive minute period, shall not constitute a violation of Section 462.1 of this Regulation, provided such person responsible for the emission provides reasonable evidence that such emissions will not cause ground level concentrations on adjacent property to exceed the values indicated in Section 410 of this Regulation, and can demonstrate to the Control Officer there is no practical method of reducing the concentration to the above levels or less.462.3 All concentrations of sulfur dioxide referred to in this Section are on a volumetric dry basis. For combustion emissions, the exhaust gas volume shall be corrected to 7% oxygen. Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 400, 462
PASSED: July 8, 1969 AMENDED: August 4, 1971, January 9, 1974, August 9, 1978, July 1, 1987, October 14, 1987, April 14, 1992, October 13, 1994, March 13, 1997