Section 460 - WEIGHT/HEAT RATE STANDARD - EMISSION OF SULFUR COMPOUNDSAll sources with an aggregate heat input capacity greater than five hundred million Btu per hour (500 MMBtu/hr) are subject to the following:
460.1 Emission of sulfur compounds, calculated as a calendar month average of sulfur dioxide, shall not exceed one and one-half pounds per million Btu of heat input per hour (1.5 lbs SO2/MMBtu, calendar month average of hourly values).460.2 Sources subject to Section 460 shall submit an ambient monitoring proposal and monitoring schedule for sulfur dioxide within one hundred and eighty (180) days of start-up. Each proposal shall include:460.21 At least one recording meteorological station equipped to record wind speed and direction and located and operated as in accordance with Appendix A of this Regulation.460.22 The sulfur content and quantity of all materials, gaseous or liquid, fed to any boilers, furnaces, heaters, flares or any other facility capable of generating heat, resulting in emissions to the atmosphere. The sulfur content shall be expressed in percent by weight of sulfur in each fuel type and shall contain an explanation of how each was determined.460.23 The method for monitoring the sulfur content and quantity of fuel burned at each emission unit capable of emitting sulfur to the atmosphere in quantities in excess of one hundred (100) pounds/day of sulfur compounds calculated as sulfur dioxide. All emission units capable of emitting less than one hundred (100) pounds/day of sulfur compounds, calculated as sulfur dioxide may be monitored collectively as a single emission.460.24 The monitoring proposal shall comply with provisions of Section 367 and Appendix A of this Regulation.460.3 The total emissions of all sources located in that portion of Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, Township 34 North and Sections 21, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, in Township 35 North, Range 2 East, Willamette Meridian, all in Skagit County Washington, and commonly known as March Point heavy industrial area, shall not exceed seven thousand (7,000) pounds/hour of sulfur compounds, calculated as sulfur dioxide. When the Control Officer reasonably believes that there exists a substantial likelihood that this total is likely to be exceeded, he or she shall establish additional temporary restrictions on any or all sources of sulfur compounds in said area to maintain a total emission of less than seven thousand (7,000) pounds/hour. The restrictions shall remain in force only so long as the total emission will exceed 7,000 pounds/hour.
Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 400, 460
PASSED: November 11, 1971 AMENDED: February 14, 1973, January 9, 1974, August 9, 1978, February 8, 1996, July 14, 2005