Section 468-85-210 - Community contextThe comprehensive plan shall describe the community context of the public transit services. This context shall include:
(1) Demographics according to the most recent census:(a) Distribution of persons aged sixty-five years and older;(b) Distribution of persons aged six to eighteen years;(c) Location of concentrations of any ethnic minorities;(d) Location of concentrations of low-income households; and(e) Automobile ownership by household;(2) Location of significant destinations, including:(a) Employment centers with more than fifty employees;(b) Schools, colleges and universities;(c) Shopping centers with five or more shopping opportunities;(d) Medical clinics and hospitals;(h) Airports with scheduled air passenger service; and(i) Passenger rail stations;(3) Public transportation operations within the boundaries of and three miles beyond the transit district, including:(a) Intercity bus carriers;(b) Rail passenger service;(c) Municipally operated public transit service;(d) School pupil transportation; and(e) Specialized transportation for elderly or low-income persons, and persons with disabilities;(4) An explanation of how the proposed public transit service will serve destinations contained in subsection (2) of this section and integrate with elements contained in subsection (3) of this section;(5) A discussion of future annexations to the public transportation benefit area.Wash. Admin. Code § 468-85-210
Statutory Authority: RCW 36.57A.150. 98-11-046 (Order 176), § 468-85-210, filed 5/18/98, effective 6/18/98; 80-01-029 (Order 42), § 468-85-210, filed 12/17/79.