Chapter 468-85 - Regulations regarding advanced financial support payments for the development of comprehensive transit plans
- Section 468-85-010 - General purpose and applicability
- Section 468-85-015 - Definitions
- Section 468-85-110 - Application for advanced financial support payment
- Section 468-85-120 - Department response to application
- Section 468-85-130 - Conditions of advanced financial support payments
- Section 468-85-200 - Required elements of comprehensive transit plan
- Section 468-85-210 - Community context
- Section 468-85-220 - Level of service element
- Section 468-85-230 - Capital improvements element
- Section 468-85-240 - Funding for annual operations element
- Section 468-85-250 - Citizen participation element
- Section 468-85-290 - Coordinated planning element
- Section 468-85-300 - Submission of comprehensive transit plans to agency
- Section 468-85-310 - Review of comprehensive transit plan of public transportation benefit area