Section 365-230-070 - Reaccreditation of training programs(1) Unless reaccredited, a training program's accreditation for both initial and refresher training courses shall expire four years after the date of issuance of the course accreditation.(2) A training provider seeking reaccreditation shall submit an application to the department no later than one hundred eighty days before its accreditation expires. If a training program does not submit its application by that date, the department cannot guarantee that the program will be reaccredited before the end of the accreditation period.(3) The training program's application for reaccreditation shall contain: (a) The training program's name, address, and telephone number.(b) A list of courses for which it is applying for reaccred-itation.(c) The qualifications of the training program manager.(d) The name(s) and qualifications of the principal instructor(s).(e) A description of any changes to the training facility, equipment or course materials since its last application was approved that adversely affects the students' ability to learn or that affects more than thirty minutes of a training hour.(f) A statement signed by the program manager stating:(i) That the training program complies at all times with all the Requirements for the accreditation of training programs (WAC 365-230-040) and requirements for the accreditation of refresher training programs (WAC 365-230-060), as applicable; and(ii) The training program recordkeeping (WAC 365-230-090) and reporting requirements of WAC 365-230-100 shall be followed.(4) Upon request, the training program shall allow the department to audit the training program to verify the contents of the application for reaccreditation as described in subsection (3) of this section.Wash. Admin. Code § 365-230-070
Amended by WSR 14-03-104, filed 1/20/14, effective 2/20/2014Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.103 RCW. 07-07-044, § 365-230-070, filed 3/13/07, effective 4/13/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.103.0030(2) [70.103.030(2)], 70.103.020,70.103.030, 70.103.040, 70.103.050, 70.103.060, 70.103.070,70.103.080, 70.103.090. 04-10-037, § 365-230-070, filed 4/29/04, effective 5/30/04.