Section 296-870-70055 - Working platform fall protection(1) You must make sure a secondary wire rope suspension system which prevents the platform from falling if the primary means of support fails is provided on: (a) Working platforms that contain overhead structures which restrict emergency egress; and
(b) Single-point suspended working platforms. (2) You must make sure each person on the working platform is provided with a fall arrest system that: (a) Meets the requirements of Appendix CPer-sonal fall arrest system, WAC 296-24-88050, found in the General safety and health standards, chapter 296-24 WAC; and
(b) Uses a horizontal lifeline or direct connection anchorage on platforms that contain overhead structures which restrict emergency egress. (3) You must make sure platforms suspended by two or more wire ropes are provided with vertical lifelines if failure of one wire rope or suspension attachment will cause the platform to upset. Note: | Vertical lifelines are not required for the fall arrest system if a secondary wire rope suspension is used and each person is attached to a horizontal lifeline anchored to the platform. |
Wash. Admin. Code § 296-870-70055
Amended by WSR 15-23-086, Filed 11/17/2015, effective 12/18/2015Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 47.17.060. 06-19-075, § 296-870-70055, filed 9/19/06, effective 1/1/07.