Section 173-566-340 - Performance standardsGeneral provisions.
(1) Nothing in this chapter influences, affects, or modifies existing ecology programs, rules, or enforcement of applicable laws and rules relating to activities funded by a grant.(2) Ecology, or an auditor authorized by the state of Washington, may audit or inspect a recipient's grant agreements and records.(3) New ecology grant agreements signed after the effective date of this chapter must be managed using ecology's designated electronic system. A recipient who cannot access the electronic system to meet a deadline or agreement requirements must use a process approved by ecology.(4) Ecology may perform site visits to monitor the project, evaluate performance, and document compliance or any other conditions of the agreement. Recipient standards.
(5) Recipients must: (a) Follow all applicable accounting and auditing laws and rules related to grants.(b) Use funds according to the agreement.(c) Use funds according to the recipient's own policies and procedures, and according to all applicable laws and rules.(d) Comply with all applicable laws, rules, orders, and permits when carrying out activities authorized by the agreement.(e) Obtain preapproval for equipment purchases over the amount specified in the agreement.(6) As specified in the grant agreement, the recipient must submit the following to ecology:(c) Equipment purchase reports.(e) A final closeout report.(f) Any other required information. Ecology standards.
(7) Ecology will: (a) Follow all applicable accounting and auditing laws and rules related to grants.(b) Monitor projects and review progress reports to assure compliance with applicable laws, rules, orders, permits, and terms and conditions of the agreement.(c) Confirm that ecology has received required documentation and the project is satisfactorily completed before approving final payment.Wash. Admin. Code § 173-566-340
Adopted by WSR 19-14-033, Filed 6/25/2019, effective 7/26/2019