Chapter 173-566 - Streamflow Restoration Funding
- Section 173-566-010 - Purpose
- Section 173-566-020 - Relation to other laws and rules
- Section 173-566-030 - Definitions
- Section 173-566-100 - Grant award process
- Section 173-566-110 - Grant announcements
- Section 173-566-120 - Application
- Section 173-566-130 - Phasing
- Section 173-566-140 - Evaluation process
- Section 173-566-150 - Funding priorities
- Section 173-566-200 - Water right acquisitions
- Section 173-566-210 - Water storage
- Section 173-566-220 - Altered water management or infrastructure
- Section 173-566-230 - Watershed function, riparian and fish habitat improvements
- Section 173-566-240 - Environmental monitoring
- Section 173-566-300 - Fiscal controls
- Section 173-566-310 - Ineligible projects and costs
- Section 173-566-320 - Grant agreement
- Section 173-566-330 - Amendments to the grant agreement
- Section 173-566-340 - Performance standards
- Section 173-566-350 - Closing out the agreement
- Section 173-566-360 - Termination of agreement
- Section 173-566-370 - Appeals process