Wash. Admin. Code § 173-306-330

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 173-306-330 - Application contents for permits
(1) Application contents for permits for new or expanded facilities.
(a) All permit applications shall contain the following:
(i) A general description of the facility;
(ii) The types of ash to be handled at the facility;
(iii) The plan of operation required by WAC 173-306-405(3) (except for demonstration and class-use permits, WAC 173-306-320);
(iv) The operating log required by WAC 173-306-405(4) (except for demonstration and class-use permits, WAC 173-306-320);
(v) The inspection schedule and inspection log required by WAC 173-306-405.
(b) Application contents for monofill facilities. In addition to the requirements of (a) of this subsection, each monofill application for a permit must contain:
(i) A hydrogeological assessment of the facility that addresses:
(A) Local/regional geology and hydrology, including holocene faults within two hundred feet of the active area and three thousand feet of all other faults, unstable slopes, and subsidence areas on site; or a department approved geologic hazard assessment study;
(B) Evaluation of bedrock and soil types and properties;
(C) Depths to groundwater or aquifer(s), or both;
(D) Direction and flow rate of the uppermost aquifer;
(E) Direction of regional groundwater;
(F) Quantity, location, and construction (where available) of private and public wells within a two thousand foot radius of site;
(G) Tabulation of all water rights for groundwater and surface water within a two thousand foot radius of the site;
(H) Identification and description of all surface waters within a one-mile radius of the site;
(I) Background and surface water quality assessment, and for expanded facilities, identification of impacts to date of applicant's existing facilities upon ground and surface waters from monofill leachate discharges;
(J) Calculation of a site water balance;
(K) Conceptual design of a groundwater and surface water monitoring system, including proposed installation methods for these devices and, where applicable, a vadose zone monitoring plan;
(L) Land use in the area, including nearby residences;
(M) Topography of the site and surrounding areas; and
(N) Drainage pattern of the site and surrounding areas.
(ii) Preliminary engineering report/plans and specifications that address:
(A) How the facility will meet the siting standards of WAC 173-306-350;
(B) Relationship of facility to city and county solid waste comprehensive plan as applicable and the basis for calculating the facility's life;
(C) The design of bottom and side liners;
(D) Identification of materials for daily cover and borrow sources for final cover and soil liners;
(E) Interim/final leachate collection, treatment, and disposal;
(F) Leachate detection where applicable;
(G) Fugitive dust controls;
(H) Trench design, fill methods, elevation of final cover and bottom liner, and equipment requirements;
(I) The run-on and runoff system;
(J) The design to avoid washout;
(K) Filling phases, interim cover and final cap elevation; interim cover should be minimized depending on site specific topography and projected filling phases;
(L) Closure/post-closure design, construction, maintenance, and land use;
(M) Signs, fencing, and road paving; and
(N) Scales, employee amenities, communication, and unloading areas.
(iii) An operation plan that addresses:
(A) Operation and maintenance of leachate collection, treatment, and disposal systems;
(B) Operation and maintenance of fugitive dust controls;
(C) Monitoring plans for groundwater, surface water, soils and ambient air to include sampling technique, frequency, handling, and analysis requirements;
(D) Safety and emergency accident/fire plans;
(E) Routine filling, grading, cover, and housekeeping; and
(F) Record system to address records on weights (or volumes), number of vehicles, and the types of waste received.
(iv) A closure plan that addresses:
(A) Estimate of closure season/year;
(B) Capacity of site in volume and tonnage;
(C) Maintenance of active fill versus completed, final covered acreage;
(D) Estimated closure construction timing and notification procedures;
(E) Inspection by regulatory agencies;
(F) Items required in WAC 173-306-410(3); and
(G) Identification of final closure cost including cost calculations and funding mechanisms.
(v) A post-closure plan that addresses:
(A) Estimated time period for post-closure activities;
(B) Site monitoring of ash monofill, soil, air, groundwater, and surface water;
(C) Deed clause changes, land use, and zoning restrictions;
(D) Maintenance activities to maintain cover and runoff systems;
(E) Items required in WAC 173-306-410(6);
(F) Identification of post-closure costs including cost calculations and funding mechanisms; and
(vi) Other information as required by the department.
(c) Application contents for treatment (including solidification and stabilization) standards. In addition to the requirements of (a) of this subsection, each application for a treatment permit must contain:
(i) Preliminary engineering reports/plans and specifications that address:
(A) The chemical and physical principle(s) upon which the treatment is based, including laboratory, pilot plant, prototype, or full-scale data with sufficient detail to assure the department that the treatment process is feasible and to allow the department to specify capacity and operating conditions;
(B) Tank, reaction vessel, furnace, total-enclosed treatment facility and container designs and the basis for selecting the materials of construction and the thickness of the treatment device (such as corrosion data) or protective lining;
(C) Fugitive dust controls, including conveyor, transport, unloading, and building design;
(D) Instrumentation and process control design to assure operating within conditions specified in the permit;
(E) Warning signs and occupational health and safety engineering controls;
(F) Monitoring equipment; and
(G) Other factors as required by the department.
(ii) An operation plan that addresses:
(A) Operation and maintenance of the treatment device;
(B) Operation and maintenance of fugitive dust controls;
(C) Monitoring as required in WAC 173-306-500 and the department on a case-by-case basis; and
(D) Safety, occupational health, and emergency accident/fire plans.
(iii) A closure plan that addresses:
(A) Estimate of closure year and cost;
(B) Methods of removing wastes and cleaning or decontaminating reaction devices and final disposal of both;
(C) Closure timing and notification procedures;
(D) Final inspection by regulatory agencies;
(E) Items required in WAC 173-306-410(3); and
(iv) Other information as required by the department.
(d) Application contents for utilization facilities. In addition to the requirements of (a) of this subsection, each application for utilization must contain:
(i) For accumulation before utilization facilities:
(A) The method of calculating the percent of ash being reused within a calendar year; and
(B) Compliance with the generator management plan storage requirements of WAC 173-306-200(3)(d)(i) and (ii) if accumulation is by the generator; or
(C) Compliance with the monofill facility standards of WAC 173-306-440 if accumulation is by a disposal facility.
(ii) For reuse constituting disposal facilities:
(A) Information supplied by the applicant pertaining to the factors of WAC 173-306-490(2)(b)(iii); and
(B) Other information as required by the department.
(2) Application contents for permits for existing facilities. Owners or operators of existing facilities applying for a permit to comply with the requirements of WAC 173-306-310 shall include:
(a) The information required in subsection (1)(a) of this section; and
(b) Other information as required by the department.

Wash. Admin. Code § 173-306-330

Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.138 RCW. 00-19-018 (Order 00-17), § 173-306-330, filed 9/8/00, effective 10/9/00; 90-10-047, § 173-306-330, filed 4/30/90, effective 5/31/90.