Chapter 173-306 - Special incinerator ash management standards
- Section 173-306-010 - Authority and purpose
- Section 173-306-050 - Applicability
- Section 173-306-100 - Definitions
- Section 173-306-150 - Prohibition of surface impoundments, land treatment and municipal solid waste codisposal of ash
- Section 173-306-200 - Generator management plans
- Section 173-306-300 - Permit requirements for disposal facilities
- Section 173-306-310 - Permit procedures
- Section 173-306-320 - Demonstration and class-use permits
- Section 173-306-330 - Application contents for permits
- Section 173-306-340 - Engineering reports, plans and specifications required in permits
- Section 173-306-345 - Construction quality assurance plan
- Section 173-306-350 - Incinerator ash siting standards for disposal facilities
- Section 173-306-400 - Ash disposal facility standards
- Section 173-306-405 - General facility operational standards
- Section 173-306-410 - General closure and post-closure requirements
- Section 173-306-440 - Ash monofill facility standards
- Section 173-306-450 - Liner and final cap design and construction standards
- Section 173-306-470 - Financial assurance
- Section 173-306-480 - Treatment (including solidification and stabilization) standards
- Section 173-306-490 - Ash utilization standards
- Section 173-306-495 - Other methods of ash disposal
- Section 173-306-500 - Monitoring and sampling methods
- Section 173-306-900 - Variances
- Section 173-306-9901 - Maximum contaminant levels for groundwater