Section 173-145-060 - FCAAP project application processThe project application process for the eligible municipal corporations' applications includes the following in the general sequence given.
(1) The applicant shall prepare the project application to comply with the provisions of chapter 86.26 RCW and this chapter. The application must be made on a form furnished by ecology. A complete application shall include the following: (a) A written description of the project containing the following as a minimum: Name of applicant, name of affected water body, project summary, location, amount of local match, and proposed local funding source;(b) A detailed cost estimate identifying major project elements;(c) A map to identify water body names, stream river mile, section-township-range;(d) Construction plans; and(e) A description of the project benefits that describes how the project will mitigate flood damages and describes development which exists on adjacent and nearby lands which are protected by the facility.(2) The applicant shall review the preliminary project proposal with the county engineer, the Washington department of fish and wildlife and the department of natural resources and any affected Indian tribes.(3) The applicant shall submit a prioritized list of project applications to the county engineer.(4) The county engineer shall submit a prioritized list of all project applications within the county to ecology.(5) The county engineer shall furnish evidence to ecology that the comprehensive flood control management plan described in WAC 173-145-040 is being prepared or is completed and adopted by the appropriate local authority and the flood plain management activities described in WAC 173-145-050 are being implemented.Wash. Admin. Code § 173-145-060
Statutory Authority: RCW 86.26.105. 01-02-006 (Order 00-13), § 173-145-060, filed 12/21/00, effective 1/21/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 86.26 RCW. 87-04-022 (Order 86-36), § 173-145-060, filed 1/28/87; 85-14-002 (Order DE 85-10), § 173-145-060, filed 6/21/85.