Chapter 173-145 - Administration of the flood control assistance account program
- Section 173-145-010 - Authority and purpose
- Section 173-145-020 - Definitions
- Section 173-145-030 - Eligibility criteria for FCAAP funds
- Section 173-145-040 - Comprehensive flood control management plan (CFCMP)
- Section 173-145-050 - Flood plain management activities
- Section 173-145-060 - FCAAP project application process
- Section 173-145-070 - FCAAP project approval process
- Section 173-145-080 - Criteria for allocation of funds
- Section 173-145-090 - Flood control assistance account funding and matching requirements
- Section 173-145-100 - Emergency fund administration
- Section 173-145-110 - Multiyear projects
- Section 173-145-120 - Work standards for all FCAAP projects
- Section 173-145-130 - Project construction monitoring
- Section 173-145-140 - Written agreements
- Section 173-145-155 - Approval of changes to written agreements